
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Wzrd on May 16, 2010, 06:59:06 AM

Title: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Wzrd on May 16, 2010, 06:59:06 AM
Ok, I have the game and now need some dice.

Found that Fudge dice are not easy to find. I could not find any locally. Eventually found some on eBay, but they are rather bland compared to all the other Chessex dice I have.

Then I found some at Q-Workshop. They are a bit expensive but sure look pretty. Here's the link: Fudge-D6 ( Fudge-D6)
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Valarian on May 16, 2010, 07:16:23 AM
Those are some very nice dice but, as you say, a bit pricey.
A set of blank dice and a permanent marker will do just as well, but won't look anywhere near as good.
Depends on how far the budget will stretch.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: dwightfry on May 16, 2010, 07:24:04 AM
if your married to using fudge dice your gonna have to pay for em i have yet to find an inexpensive set anywhere. If I were going to run a sit down face to face game i'd just use the d6 - d6 suggested somewhere in the game  it create a +5 - -5 rsult but i can live with that and all you need are two differnt colored six sided dice
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: crusher_bob on May 16, 2010, 07:36:36 AM
Blank dice ( that also come with stickers that you can hopefully run through your printer.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Slife on May 16, 2010, 08:39:50 AM
Buy a copy of Betrayal.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: John Anderson on May 16, 2010, 09:09:20 AM
IPR ( is your fudge dice friend ( However, the postage to Oz may be a deal breaker.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Wyrdrune on May 16, 2010, 10:38:00 AM
i got mine from an RPG shop on ebay. bought 4 sets with different colors for my players (there are almost no fudge dice based games in austria).
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: TheMouse on May 16, 2010, 01:09:25 PM
I prefer to go for the GM pack:

20 dice for less than 14 USD.

If they sell out, it's definitely worthwhile to search for the GM pack other places. But it for yourself or split it with your group. If you split it with four other people, you're paying less than 3 USD each for a set of Fudge dice.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Falar on May 16, 2010, 04:33:49 PM
Or you could go to your local Big Box Mart, get some regular d6s and turn them into a set of Baby's First Fudge Dice. (http://"") I had about twenty of those kicking around from when I was looking at Spirit of the Century. I'm pretty sure it was linked to from one of the developer's blogs or something like that.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Charlemagne XXXIII on May 16, 2010, 05:33:58 PM
Personally, my friends and I just use regular d6's. 1's and 2's are -, 3 and 4 are blank, and 5 and 6 are +. Sure, they aren't fudge dice, and it takes half a second to mentally convert them, but it works.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: aumshantih on May 16, 2010, 08:15:58 PM
Last session of my Purana game (Mythic India using FATE3.0), I decided on using this die mechanic:

Roll two dice, one positive and one negative. 
If you gain a +5 or a -5, it counts as a +0, *unless* a Fate Point is spent. 

It works pretty well - it's fast, and it makes the +/-5 situations to be a little less common - though went they occur it ends up being a bigger deal!
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: TheMouse on May 16, 2010, 11:45:37 PM
Or you could go to your local Big Box Mart, get some regular d6s and turn them into a set of Baby's First Fudge Dice. (http://"")

I made a bunch of these and the permanent marker turned out to be less than permanent. If you're going to do that, I'd highly suggest using a clear finishing coat over the marker.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Falar on May 17, 2010, 12:54:43 AM
Weird. I must have used a better permanent marker, because I never had that problem with mine.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: TheMouse on May 17, 2010, 01:29:07 AM
Weird. I must have used a better permanent marker, because I never had that problem with mine.

I tried with three different permanent markers, including an industrial grade one that took me a week to wash off my hands.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Falar on May 17, 2010, 01:30:46 AM
I wonder if I had lower quality dice that were more porous?
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: TheMouse on May 17, 2010, 01:52:59 AM
I wonder if I had lower quality dice that were more porous?

That would be my guess, since the dice I used were actually pretty shiny.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Falar on May 17, 2010, 01:58:07 AM
And I got the five pack that you get at Walmart for under a dollar. Which are probably about the crappiest dice that you can get. Other than possibly the ones in really cheap boardgames.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: Wzrd on May 17, 2010, 10:52:35 AM
I just got my set of dice I ordered from eBay. The seller has some more if anyone else is interested, especially if you live in the UK. (
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: John Anderson on May 17, 2010, 03:14:22 PM
That is a great deal. I'd be impressed if you get them for cheaper.
Title: Re: The Search for Fudge Dice
Post by: theDwarf on June 28, 2010, 04:53:12 PM
I have a pack of Deryni Dice so I am covered.

Deryni Dice were a pack of 8 Fudge Dice, 4 black, 4 white.
They were manufactured by Crystal Caste and marketed by Grey Ghost (GGG9008DA)

Other alternatives would be purchasing blank dice and using permanent marker on them to at the +'s and -'s or using normal dice in the interim and and counting 1-2 as minus, 3-4 as "blank", and 5-6 as plus.