
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Erifnogard on May 13, 2010, 05:52:27 PM

Title: Using both Fudge dice and d6-d6?
Post by: Erifnogard on May 13, 2010, 05:52:27 PM
I kind of like the concept of allowing for a difference between doing something cautiously and recklessly. It seems to me that the difference in result range between Fudge dice and d6-d6 nicely represents this if you allow players to choose for each action which they will roll. Am I missing any implications that would make allowing this ill-advised?
Title: Re: Using both Fudge dice and d6-d6?
Post by: luminos on May 13, 2010, 09:32:32 PM
I'd make two recommendations. 

1.)  Stick to just one option for casting magic.  Magic already has mechanisms built into it for casting recklessly or cautiously.

2.)  Keep it narratively appropriate.  Don't let them use reckless rolling for actions that are careful and deliberate like investigating a crime scene.  Acting reckless in that kind of circumstance should only be done as a compel, and should not provide any potential benefit to the action.
Title: Re: Using both Fudge dice and d6-d6?
Post by: Erifnogard on May 14, 2010, 12:23:54 AM
Sounds like good advice. I hadn't really thought about people trying to use the reckless option for things like investigation.
Title: Re: Using both Fudge dice and d6-d6?
Post by: theDwarf on June 28, 2010, 04:59:05 PM
Also remember the change in odds and permutations:

   Fudge   D6-D6
-5   0   1
-4   1   2
-3   4   3
-2   10   4
-1   16   5
0   19   6
1   16   5
2   10   4
3   4   3
4   1   2
-5   0   1
Total permutations   81   36
Table may not align properly, but gives you an indication