The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Archmage_Cowl on May 07, 2010, 09:51:53 PM
Okay so lately i find my mind keep being drawn back to how in this game one can easily obtain 8 or even more physical stress boxes with the appropriate toughness abilities. But my question is how could these be done up for the other stress tracks? Also how would one do that for pure mortals who can endure alot of physical punishment? I've come up with a pretty simple idea and would like some feed back.
Rigerous Phyical Training -1 (adds one box to the physical stress track.)
Ancient Mind -1 (adds one box to the mental stress track)
Centuries of Politics -1 (adds one box to the social stress track)
I think these are pretty good, but the problem i have is I'm not sure whether they would be mortal stunts or powers(i'm leaning more toward powers at least for mental and social versions) or whether the cost is really "Fair". I would much like some feedback on these but if you dont like them or dont think they fit please explain why. Thanks in Advance.
No. Stress boxes are really powerful, and far outside the scope of what Mortal Stunts should be allowed to provide. They allow you to entirely avoid Consequences and being taken out. A Stress box is flat-out better than a Mild Consequence, and it's already been established that a Stunt will only give you a single Mild Consequence.
And, that being the case, I don't think supernaturals should have access to them either. Supernaturals are alot of things, but not flat-out more strong-willed than humans, at least not inherently.
Also, from a rules balance perspective, everything in the way of Stress Boxes gains except for Hulking Size (which has severe downsides of it's own) has a Catch. You can't really give a Catch to Mental or Social stress bonuses very well.
In the rules balance area, there's also the fact that there are Weapons and other Stress bonuses to physical combat, and almost none to Mental or Social combat (Incite Emotion being a notable exception), making Stress boxes much harder to overcome there.
Also from a rules perspective, if purchasable more than once, you get really broken things, like the starting character with 10 Social Stress boxes.
okay i can see that ;D but what if you modified those to give extra consequences? How much would it cost for each and how high would you allow? We already know that a mortal stunt can grant one more mild for a -1 but do you think powers(maybe) would be allowed that would allow more moderate's or even severe? I can see moderate's but i'm not to sure about severe. Also would you allow them to be taken more than once?
Hmmm. Powers are better than Stunts and supposed to be, so I'd actually give one Moderate Consequence per point of Refresh spent, and I'd limit it to one per category (Physical, Social, or Mental). Ever. Yeah, that sounds about right.
awesomeness thanks ;D
So just to make sure i have everything right. An extra mild consequence of any type can be gained from a mortal stunt but cannot be taken again. A moderate consequence for any type can be gained from a power for a -1 cost but cannot be taken again. An extra severe cannot be taken. Extra stress boxes cannot be gained except through powers listed. Is that what we are looking at?
That sounds about right, yeah. :)
thank you my good sir :)
... but before i go and let this topic vanish i must pose a question to thee.
Are you the Merlin? ;D
You just always seem to have an awesome, logical, and correct, answer for everything lol.
Srsly. Dead's the man. Sometimes I don't even post in threads 'cause he's covered it way better than I could.
Diaspora gets away with adding stress boxes via stunts, but damage is much nastier in that variant: you check off the affected box and all unchecked boxes below it. It makes an additional box mean a lot less.
Thanks, guys. I'm actually a little touched. I just try and be helpful. :)
And no, I'm not the Merlin, I'm too young.