Conviction governs the amount of power you can throw around. Harry has a lot of this.ahhh...very good.
Discipline governs the amount of control you have over that power. Harry... is a little sloppy in this department. That's why he favors Thaumaturgy if he can do it: because it's slower and more deliberate, his lack of control doesn't bite him on the butt so much.
I was wondering if you might shed a little more light on how Specializations work?
Pretty simple: they add bonuses to your discipline, or your conviction, or your lore skills (depending on the kind of specialization it is) in the specific case of casting a certain kind of magic.Very nice! I suppose you take specializations at character creation?
Very nice! I suppose you take specializations at character creation?Yep, though you can pick more of them up as you advance by taking the "Refinement" power one or more times.
Yep, though you can pick more of them up as you advance by taking the "Refinement" power one or more times.
How much does the refinement skill cost? I was looking on Harry's sheet and I couldnt make out if it was costing anything from his refresh total, unless it was already there in the -3 for each of the magic skills?
It's not a skill, it's a power. And since the word "Refinement" doesn't appear on his sheet, he doesn't have it yet at that point. :)
It's -1 for each taking of it.
So am I right in reading this that Harry is "Just" playable as of Storm Front?
So am I right in reading this that Harry is "Just" playable as of Storm Front?The way we chose to present him, we did him as a high power starting character (there are different power levels you can start your campaign at), and used Storm Front as the *backstory* of his character creation (along with Restoration of Faith and Welcome to the Jungle). So think of Storm Front Harry as a decent example of that end of our recommended starting power levels. But honestly there's a lot of room to move around in there; your GM determines where the dials are set at the start.
Is there a recommended (or maybe I should say default) starting level?
Looking at the character sheet it looks like it effects your starting skill points and the skill cap. Does it also determine beginning refresh rates or is that 10 across the board?
Ye gods this all looks great :D The balance, the chance to have wizards who vary in power and capability, all the other classes/types. I can't wait! The only issue is finding enough people in my frackin town to play ><That's what press gangs and machetes are for, H. :) the DFRPG website.
If it is it's a bummer, because my roommates tend to only be able to role play very standoffish anarchists.
Conviction governs the amount of power you can throw around. Harry has a lot of this.If I understand correctly, this is also why Harry is using focus items. It's granting +1 to Offensive Con(trol).
Discipline governs the amount of control you have over that power. Harry... is a little sloppy in this department. That's why he favors Thaumaturgy if he can do it: because it's slower and more deliberate, his lack of control doesn't bite him on the butt so much.
I'm surprised Harry only has Fair investigations.
Is Conviction the equivalent of SotC's Resolve, or is Resolve also in DFRPG?
Also, typical SotC heroes start out with 5 boxes of stress. Harry has 4/4/3. Is there a formula reached for that, or is it just something innate to the DFRPG?
If I understand correctly, this is also why Harry is using focus items. It's granting +1 to Offensive Con(trol).
And why he prefers Thamutergy; +1 Control (Divination)?
There's not a straight one to one correspondence there, though some of the trappings of Resolve are also found with Conviction. Resolve does not exist as Resolve in the DFRPG.Hm. Then what does one use to defend in some mental/social conflicts? Resolve was useful against Charming, Deceiving and Scaring.
DFRPG heroes start out with 2.Yikes! Then, does Harry having a high Conviction and Endurance give him more, or might that be Wizard's Constitution?
I'm surprised Harry only has Fair investigations.Remember that this character sheet is based on Harry immediately after Stormfront and in the early books his investigation skills are prety stucky, he misses all kinds of clues and mostly bulls his way through things head on. For his investigation of the streetwovles in Fool Moon he just goes to their hideout and says "hello" and it takes him a really really long time in Stormfront to figure out who is behind things. He's not exactly Sherlock Holmes, although he does get a bit better in later books, if anthing I think that +2 is a bit on the high side for early Dresden :)
Remember that this character sheet is based on Harry immediately after Stormfront and in the early books his investigation skills are prety stucky, he misses all kinds of clues and mostly bulls his way through things head on. For his investigation of the streetwovles in Fool Moon he just goes to their hideout and says "hello" and it takes him a really really long time in Stormfront to figure out who is behind things. He's not exactly Sherlock Holmes, although he does get a bit better in later books, if anthing I think that +2 is a bit on the high side for early Dresden :)
and it takes him a really really long time in Stormfront to figure out who is behind things.)That may also be to the fact that it's a mystery noir book. Consider in White Night how long it took Harry
So Murphy would be at +3?
What did it "cost" to start play with those foci?You get a dollop of item slots with each spellcasting power you take. You can gain more slots by taking the Refinement power one or more times and using that dollop of refinement for slots (instead of more specializations, etc).
I notice Murph doesn't have a Superb skill; only one Great skill. Yet Harry has a Superb skill.
Are they created with different "levels" of starting costs? (Harry has 35 skill points to arrange).
Also, I notice that Harry has 2 slots for Enchanted Items open. Are those "free", the same way the Foci were "free" with his specializations? How would non-wizards start play with Enchanted items, and are those "free", or how would they "buy" them?