McAnally's (The Community Pub) > Author Craft



It seems I have a fear of writing (which is ironic as I'm writing about it). I wrote this childrens fantasy (lyricly - I always write a poetic outline first) that I can't get out of my head. Everywhere I turn, I'm reminded of these characters in my head but I can't bring myself to write any prose as I just don't feel confident enough to do so. If I can't get it out of my mind, am I supposed to write this or is it trying to write itself through me and I'm resisting?

Just sit down and start writing.  It doesn't matter if it sucks, you can rewrite it later.  Oh and don't second guess what you just wrote till you are at least done with your goal for the writing session. 

If you need some inspiration on "just doing it", read Stephen King's On Writing 

I had the same problem my whole life; all this potential building in my head, but a block when I actually sit down to write.

For me, On Writing destroyed every excuse I ever gave myself, broke down all the fears and apprehension.  And now, I just sit down and write. 


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