Author Topic: An "Ask Jim" section?  (Read 24289 times)

Offline Paige

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An "Ask Jim" section?
« on: May 29, 2006, 03:36:13 PM »
Since Jim has mentioned his lack of enthusiasm for forum/ bulletin board (whatever this is called) over the email loop and that he will likely not frequent here or post much, would it help if there was a special section where fans could ask him questions?

Most of the rest of this place seems more geared to fans yammering  :P on with other fans, (which is fun, but...)and any questions someone might have for Jim will get lost in the mayhem. He’ll never see it.  ???

Would it be feasible to have a section where you could only ask a question, no discussion or debate, that would be easy for Jim to skim through and answer, or not, at his leisure?
This way he can still connect with his readers without feeling like he’s swimming through mud.
Huh, huh? Can we?
Just askin’  ;D

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Re: An "Ask Jim" section?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 04:10:49 PM »
Good question.  Seeing as Jim's already made a few responses since this forum's inception, though, I'm not inclined to move on this *immediately* -- but I'll keep it in mind if it ends up looking like that's something that would help Jim connect with his fans.
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Offline Paige

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Re: An "Ask Jim" section?
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2006, 11:02:10 AM »
Good question.  Seeing as Jim's already made a few responses since this forum's inception, though, I'm not inclined to move on this *immediately* -- but I'll keep it in mind if it ends up looking like that's something that would help Jim connect with his fans.

Okay, I'm good with that. I'll keep my figures crossed for the special section though!  ;D
It's quite a few links to locate his posts and I'm not confident I'm seeing them all.
Ooo...I thought of another pro for an "Ask Jim" would serve as a kind of FAQ archive like was discussed for a while on the list.

No pressure...just sayin' ~L~  Really, I'm good with whatever works best for yens.

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Re: An "Ask Jim" section?
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2006, 12:11:32 PM »
On a related vein, is there code that could be designed (maybe RSS would do this...I'm not a coder so I'm not sure) that would alert Jim of a thread (or a post) specifically aimed at him? Such as "If you put ATTN JIM in all caps at the begining of a post, it he'll get an email saying there's a thread asking him a question, with a link to it."
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Re: An "Ask Jim" section?
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2006, 12:44:41 PM »
The only problem I see with the "attention jim" thing is, it's quite possible it would be abused, everyone with a little question for Jim.  The 'ask jim' section on the other hand, can be easier to moderate.

Offline Ghoulfish

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Re: An "Ask Jim" section?
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2006, 10:59:45 PM »
I agree that every little thing would be quite an annoyance for Jim.
People might start badgering him for more details on the books or to add stuff to his books or even pry into his personal life. Even if he chooses not to respond some questions could be quite insulting.

I think that the way it is now is a good system - he can choose to clear the mud if he wishes or leave us in the dark

If an ask Jim section is created I think that the admin would have to be deleting bad and off topic questions around the clock.

This is just my opinion - in a perfect world an ask Jim Question section would be perfect
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