Author Topic: I've read all of JB's novels - are there other authors like him?  (Read 7838 times)

Offline Jemcrystal

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I need more to read but I like Jim's style of writing.  Is there another author like him?  Or someone as entertaining as him?  The closest I can place is R.A. Salvatore but I have read his works too.  Also, I have read Sherrilyn Kenyon, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Charlaine Harris.  I like sups, paranormal.  It can be romance or mystery or horror (I don't know why we have to divide those up; can't people write all three at once?).  I read a lot.  I get tired of digging through all the second rate to sniff out the greats.  You know, authors that make their characters seem real and have detail without bogging down; keep it interresting and exciting and make you sympathetic.  And paranormal - much much paranormal!
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Re: I've read all of JB's novels - are there other authors like him?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 05:24:45 PM »
Here are two:

TA Pratt's Marla Mason Series: Blood Engine & Poison Sleep. There is a third one that I think comes out soon. Its The Sopranos meets The Dresden Files.

Simon R. Green's Tales from Nightside Series, the first book is Something from the Nightside.
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Re: I've read all of JB's novels - are there other authors like him?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 05:44:50 PM »
I need more to read but I like Jim's style of writing.  Is there another author like him?  Or someone as entertaining as him?  The closest I can place is R.A. Salvatore but I have read his works too.  Also, I have read Sherrilyn Kenyon, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Charlaine Harris.  I like sups, paranormal.  It can be romance or mystery or horror (I don't know why we have to divide those up; can't people write all three at once?).  I read a lot.  I get tired of digging through all the second rate to sniff out the greats.  You know, authors that make their characters seem real and have detail without bogging down; keep it interresting and exciting and make you sympathetic.  And paranormal - much much paranormal!

You probably want to look at the "If you like Jim's Dresden Files, also try... " thread in the Media Favorites bit of the forum.

For what it's worth, I prefer them being divided up because I can't stand focus on romance, it gives me hives, but that's a different argument.
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Offline azjayp

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Re: I've read all of JB's novels - are there other authors like him?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 07:43:17 PM »
I agree this should be posted elsewhere, but i will help anyway.

if you want to try political fantacy, pick up geaorge rr martin, he is my favorite.

also, in horror/mystery fantacy, tamara silver jones, goast in the snow is amazing.

Offline Jemcrystal

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Re: I've read all of JB's novels - are there other authors like him?
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 01:25:16 PM »
Kk, I see the media file forum now.  Ty.
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