When I attended the Arizona Writer's Conference, I sat in on a wonderful woman, and I mean incredible woman, named Peggy Schmaker (I think? argghh, stupid memory). She's from Pacific Lutheran in seattle so go google her...
Anyway she told the story about an editor who had a standard decline letter that went something like this, "I wouldn't know a good poem if leaped up and bit my arse, therefore I am returning yours." I like that. Much better than another story she told about a new poet who had her poem returned in torn up, little, tiny pieces. -- IMHO - If that happens, it isn't your work, the poor ditz is obviously dying of cancer and forgive them. or they just got canned for not recognizing brilliance!
But truthfully, I haven't the slightest idea when it comes to poetry and my opinion would mean dip-whatever.... You might try posting it on dresdenverse.com and see if you get any comments. There is a thread where you can post poems that is really cool.