Author Topic: Turn Coat blurb and Mean Streets cover art!  (Read 9705 times)

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Turn Coat blurb and Mean Streets cover art!
« on: August 22, 2008, 10:30:21 PM »
Fantasy Book Critic brings us the blurb for Turn Coat, eleventh book in The Dresden Files!

The Warden Morgan has been accused of treason against the Wizards of the White Council--and there’s only one, final punishment for that crime.  He’s on the run, wants his name cleared, and needs someone with a knack for backing the underdog.  Someone like Harry Dresden.

Now, Harry must uncover a traitor within the Council, keep a less-than-agreeable Morgan under wraps, and avoid coming under scrutiny himself.  And a single mistake may cost someone his head--someone like Harry.

Turn Coat hits bookshelves April 7th, 2009.  Pre-order it through the store here!

Fantasy Book Critic also brings us the cover art for Mean Streets, an upcoming book containing paranormal mystery novellas by Jim Butcher, Simon R. Green, Kat Richardson, and Thomas E. Sniegoski.

Jim describes his story thusly: (BEWARE!  Spoilers for SMALL FAVOR!  Highlight blacked-out text to read.)

(click to show/hide)

Mean Streets is slated for January 6th, 2009.  Pre-order it here