Author Topic: Must be my day for interesting news goodies...  (Read 8352 times)

Offline meg_evonne

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Must be my day for interesting news goodies...
« on: August 07, 2008, 06:02:36 PM »
Attention all SF fans...

Don't miss the 11th Annual Mars Society conference! You won't have to
travel far this year because the conference is in Boulder on the CU
campus, August 14th through 17th. This conference always attracts
hundreds of scientists, engineers, writers, philosophers, and members
of John Q Public. If you want to learn more of the science behind the
science fiction, please consider attending.

Check the Mars Society website for registration info, the latest
schedule, and a list of speakers:
http://www.marssoci c/Conventions/ 2008/

The following speakers and topics may be of special interest:
- J Michael Straczynski, noted SF writer and TV producer (Babylon 5)
- Robert Zubrin, author of The Case for Mars, Energy Victory, etc etc
- Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors (very cool)
- Rev. James Heiser, noted theologian and philosopher
- Carol Stoker, Phoenix science lead (strange happenings lately with
Phoenix, but I can't say more...)
- Bill Clancey, NASA robotics/systems expert
- Representatives from the presidential campaigns
- on and on and on.... check the website!

Also of special interest... I'll be announcing a new literary contest
at the conference. NOT YET OFFICIAL!!! check website for details...

Any questions about the conference, don't hesitate to contact me...
"Calypso was offerin' Odysseus immortality, darlin'. Penelope offered him endurin' love. I myself just wanted some company." John Henry (Doc) Holliday from "Doc" by Mary Dorla Russell
Photo from by the Domestic Goddess

Offline Moritz

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Re: Must be my day for interesting news goodies...
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 03:02:13 PM »
You won't have to travel far this year because the conference is in Boulder on the CU
campus, August 14th through 17th.

4968 miles = far.  ;)
I only read the British editions of Dresden Files, so I am half a year behind concerning the plot.
I also only read them when I travel.