Author Topic: Changes to FATE from SotC to Dresden...  (Read 12349 times)

Offline TheMouse

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Changes to FATE from SotC to Dresden...
« on: August 06, 2008, 08:01:00 PM »
I'm curious what sorts of changes to the FATE system we can expect in the transition from Spirit of the Century to Dresden. I'm not talking about the addition of a magic system or the like, more basic changes to how stuff works.

The reason I'm asking is that I was reading the Starblazers preview and it does some things differently. For example:

* Stress tracks fill in a number of boxes equal to the inflicted stress, not just the box that many into the track. Also, there are four levels of Consequence (minor, moderate, severe, and extreme, corresponding to -2/-4/-6/-8 stress respectively).

* Aspects may be used to justify the use of an alternate skill for 1 fate point.

* Weapons add to the amount of physical stress, and armour takes away from it.

Should we expect to see many changes like the above in DFRPG? Thanks to anyone in the know who can answer my question. (:

To open up this discussion a bit, anyone not in the know should feel free to tell us what sorts of changes they would make (or have made, if you're running your own version of Dresden).

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Re: Changes to FATE from SotC to Dresden...
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2008, 07:24:05 PM »
You'll see several changes very similar to the above. I gave the Starblazer crew a peek at some of the basic ideas of our changes to the conflict system when they started development.  They took it in a different direction, but it's still familiar territory.
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Re: Changes to FATE from SotC to Dresden...
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2008, 07:42:02 PM »
Cool. I like those changes, and I was hoping that it'd be the case that they'd carry over. I especially like the Aspect thing with using it to roll a different ability. It's like getting a handful of free Stunts.
