I could eat myself into spheroidisticity if I had all I wanted of that. Usually, I prefer fresh, "real" versions of food, but that's in its own category.
If you are up to no good, please do no good for me too, okay?
Well, if you couldn't do that with your bulls***, Leonard, I suspect the lad's impervious.
*floats along behind MSD like cartoon character*Damn, I wish I could remember which cartoon(s) that's in...
Casper.And 'Cellie, there's no thread drift here. We grabbed the helm, yanked it 90 degrees off course and pegged the throttle. Talk about damning us with faint criticism!
Fine. The next time a thread needs to be re-categorized, don't go running to me to get it fixed.
Full Assed FTW!
I have a friend who'd say: "That sounds vaguely obscene and if there's anything I can't stand it's vagueness!"