Author Topic: New Writer's Group  (Read 8235 times)

Offline prophet224

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New Writer's Group
« on: July 31, 2008, 08:52:22 PM »
Mikey Finn started a group called Cogni a while back.

Some friends and I were talking about doing small-scale writer's workshops now and then.

Other people here seem to like the idea, though I know Cogni died out eventually.

So here is another attempt:

It's a functional framework right now.  The FAQ talks about the site's technology, "Joomla!".  The links, news, and popular sections are generic. 

That said, the forums and file repository work just fine (for the most part).  You can upload a file, include your name, version, date, link to a web site (I suggest a link to the forum) and add your own license that downloaders MUST accept to download the file.  There is a generic license (just junk text right now though) that will be required if you don't add one.  I'd love suggestions for the generic license.

Folks who download your file can comment on it right in the repository and rate it too.  I'd like actual critiques to go in the forum though! :) 

More tomorrow!  Time to go home and do some writing of my own now! (Or Tae Kwan Do class... not sure which yet.) :)
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Offline meg_evonne

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Re: New Writer's Group
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2008, 04:30:52 PM »
There seems to be concern about posting work online, see several threads on this subject--even a member only site.  I always thought that if you wrote it, you were protected as the author but several other threads have repeatedly warned against doing so.  There is commonly a lot of interest in getting readers to read their first drafts, when the general concenus is that first drafts simply suck--a lot.   :D  Threads have strongly suggested NOT registering your work until it is in its final stages.  In addition there are legitimate concerns about posting 'ideas' for work as an idea, not registerable.  Might be a great idea, but you can't register a novel 'idea' as your own etc.   

Here is an alternative suggestion: If our goal is to improve our craft, we can do that with excercises etc that won't put manuscripts out where something unintentional could devalue the work.

To give due credit to the authors of these works, we could recap a craft skill to explore--each refer to our own copies of the sources, and then post small segment of current work re-worked or write a couple short paragrahs.  We could then critique them in light of the agreed upon reading assignment. 

This is a heck of a lot of structure to figure out, but not impossible.  Is this something you would like to participate in?  If so, I'd post a poll to see how often would be feasible for everyone to logistically be able to complete and explore a craft segment, ie one week, two week, etc.  To be honest once a month might be good, slow but good, since we are all working on our own work as well as learning.

What's ya think?

Finally, we could consider a private reading/critique group.  Students from an online class I was in set up a yahoo group for posting to invited readers that were known to each other.  They alternate posting segments of their novels, everyone reads them, then we organize an hour long chat to discuss.  Stict guidelines, ie the author doesn't talk while everyone critiques the work, then after that the author, having really heard the comments is free to discuss the work starting with a repeat of what they have heard from other readers first before 'defending'.  Defending is a horrible word as readers are telling you what they 'heard' in your writing.  If it isn't what you intended then you'd better figure out how to re-work it so they do.  :-)  All of this is small in number--otherwise you end up doing nothing but reading and critiquing.  Critiquing by the way is the best way to learn the craft from what I've experienced.   Therefore critiquing has to be an ESSENTIAL part of the excercise to make it valuable. 

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Offline prophet224

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Re: New Writer's Group
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 06:28:21 PM »
I'm with you, and I'd be up for doing some exercises.  The site was originally intended as any easy way for my friends and I to do a group, since we are at a distance from each other.  We'll be there one way or another. 

As for Authors not being protected, I'll have to look for those threads.  I know there are several large online workshops ( is a great example).  Here's there take on story pirating: .

A smaller group should definitely be easier to handle, too.

Here's a link to some good copyright info as well:

Unscrupulous folks can certainly try to get around this, but there are lots of reasons why they won't.  Also, as you mentioned, most of the drafts people want to have critiqued actually suck (sorry, no offense, but it really is true).

Now, I'm the same person that said I was concerned about someplace like WEbook.  They are a publisher and that just invites too many problems as far as keeping things on their servers.  What I've set up maintains file dates, author info, licensing restrictions, and nothing is available except to registered users.  (Though I'm thinking of going the Critters method and requiring real names.)

Again, we'll be out there regardless, just posting it here as an option for folks, as I'm here fairly often.  Later!
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