Author Topic: Rules of the Game  (Read 10432 times)

Offline Uilos

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Rules of the Game
« on: July 09, 2008, 10:16:54 PM »
This one goes out to the Fantasy Writers, but if you have some imput, I ain't gonna stop you.

I'm working on a novel, I've got all my characters, all my plot points down and I pretty sure I know how the story is going to end (it could go a different direction between now and then)

One of the more major problems I'm having at this moment is establishing a set list of rules for the characters in the world to adhere to.

Let me explain. The story is an urban fantasy set in New York City. The premise is that most of the legends, myths and fables that have been collected over the ages are not just legends and myths and fables. They existed, in one form or another. The story features the decendants and practitioners of those legends, including Mages and Psychics of different flavors, Trolls, theriomorph's, people who are the living embodiment of the natural elements and so on and so forth.

Here's the question that I've been meaning to ask: It's the modern day, what has kept these people from outwardly using their powers and putting the rest of humanity under their boot.

Now I do have a skeleton law, mostly based around the myth of the Furies. That if one of these empowered humans (I refer to them as Alts) kills another person (Whether Alt or Human) using their powers, then they will be struck down dead, through one means or another. This is in effect unless under the terms of a formal challenge or declaration of war between one entity or another.

So I have that skeleton going on, but I want to flesh it out a bit more. Any suggestions or input is greatly appreciated.

- Craig
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Offline LizW65

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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2008, 10:23:24 PM »
Maybe the "Alts" have realized that in order to successfully integrate into human society, they need to adhere to certain rules, so they've formed their own loose government body and drawn up a constitution of sorts, regulating how, when, and under what circumstances they are allowed to use their powers openly?  I know, it's not very original, but it's all I can come up with right now. :(
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Offline Uilos

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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2008, 11:14:31 PM »
I like it, and that's more or less the gist of what I want at the end.

here's the thing, there are six types of these Alts. Out of these six, only two of them, the Psychics and the Mages, are governed by any uniting body. Most of the others either don't need, want, or believe that they should be united. The Psychics and the Mages detest each other, and without going into too much detail into the story, are practically at war. The only thing that keeps them from turning modern New York into a supernatural 'Nam are the rules.

Also, the Alts have an eversion with integration with the general population. Citing the spanish inquisition, the witch trials and the holocaust as examples of humanities love of "the different". There are also those who believe that they are above humanity, and are completely comfortable in ruling their little kingdoms without the humans being any the wiser.

But you did touch upon several of the overall arcs, the first being uniting the different types, and then uniting them with the humans
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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2008, 01:35:22 AM »
This rule is nothing new to urban fantasy but the most common rule for most of these types of "supernatural beings living amongst us" is that they can do nothing that would reveal their existence to the world at large. This could be a fear that humanity with their large numbers and modern weapons would be able to overcome even the most powerful supernaturals or it could be enforced by some being or some group with the power to enforce the rules. The "don't reveal our existence rule" is nice because it is a bit flexible and it can be used to cover a great many bad behaviours while allowing others to go on as long as no one notices.
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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2008, 02:34:21 AM »
I think I'm brain dead.  I'll think on it and get back to you.  :-)

I'm now writing a 3rd/4th or 5th depth level of 'rules' and power definitions for something I'm working on and I think its drained me completely.  Good luck as you work on it though!
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Offline Uilos

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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2008, 02:40:28 AM »
This rule is nothing new to urban fantasy but the most common rule for most of these types of "supernatural beings living amongst us" is that they can do nothing that would reveal their existence to the world at large. This could be a fear that humanity with their large numbers and modern weapons would be able to overcome even the most powerful supernaturals or it could be enforced by some being or some group with the power to enforce the rules. The "don't reveal our existence rule" is nice because it is a bit flexible and it can be used to cover a great many bad behaviours while allowing others to go on as long as no one notices.

That's part of it, it's also that I'm trying to find a reason why these different groups and factions would never go to war with each other unless for a good reason.

So basically the rule is "Thou shalt not use thy powers to kill" unless you challenge someone to a duel, or one faction declares war on another faction. If said duel/war is declared, then only those people can be affected in the fight. Doing so is basically a death sentence from a Higher Power.

I know it's a tricky subject, and I've probably worded it differently than my intent, but thanks so far for the asssitance :D
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It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning. It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion.

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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2008, 04:39:12 AM »
I'm assuming it's ok to kill as long as you don't use your powers. Maybe killing with your powers leaves some sort of trace that could lead to human discovery of such. Maybe killing with your powers adds to your powers and the existing enforcers (Higher Powers) want to keep an eye on who is increasing their power so that no one gets strong enough to be a threat to the HP. If a war or duel is announced, they can keep an eye on it and intervene if anyone is getting too reckless or amassing too much power for themself.

I'm falling asleep. I'll think more about this later.
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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2008, 06:59:56 AM »
Maybe there is a global enchantment on the earth that prevents the various humanoids from waring on humanity that would have very negative effects. So being that way, the supernatural try not to involve any humans at all. This could be some archaic limitation that some ancient wizard/deity/god placed upon the world at a time where there were many problems from the supernatural. Maybe the two warring factions are getting tired of this "rule" and are trying to test its limits against the other faction.

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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2008, 11:08:07 PM »
That's part of it, it's also that I'm trying to find a reason why these different groups and factions would never go to war with each other unless for a good reason.

Well, you said that all of these Alts were descended from myths and legends and fairy-tales, right?  Well, don't most myths and legends and fairy-tales include some way to kill/destroy the bad monster these Alts are descended from?  Maybe they're not fighting because they know that if they start stirring things up, all the other factions know how to wipe them out.  Sort of a mutually-assured-destruction thing.  And the fact that all these stories are still around and known by humans keeps them from stomping on NYC....

Just a thought...
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Offline Uilos

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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2008, 01:50:21 AM »
Actually, while reading over these suggestions (believe me, they are helping), I came to accept an earlier reason I had planned: That it just isn't prudent for the Alts to reveal themselves enmasse. They would either be ostricized, revered, or abused for their abilities. So in other words, It's not that they can't, it's just that they won't.

The ultimate goal is resolving to coexist with one another. Whether it be the various groups (read: gangs) in New York, The Older generation of Alts with the Younger generations, the opposing forces in a single person, and the Humans and the Alts.

Like I said, these suggestions are helping me get a clearer idea of where I think I should go with it. Should I give you guys a more detailed description of the story? Because what I've given you is more or less a backstory
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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2008, 03:21:56 PM »
It's up to you. I always enjoy hearing people's ideas on books.

Offline Uilos

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Re: Rules of the Game
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2008, 01:50:33 AM »
okie doke then :D

The title is "Griever of the Silver Wave". It's a first person narrative that jumps to different characters throughout the story, but it is mainly told by the protoganist, who is known only by his "Alt" name: Griever.

It is set in an alternate, though modern day New York City. Gangs rule the numerous districts, but stick to a very fragile truce. Many of the gangs include the younger generation of Alts, but some of them (one of the larger ones in particular) detest them. The gangs exist in the same "shadows" as the Alts, so they are still not general knowledge.

a group appears in the City, and intends on pitting the numerous groups against each other. No one in the city is aware. The gangs think it's a respective rival, the general population believe it's the work of terrorists. Only Griever, who has faced them before, knows the full score. Unfortunately, Griever is seen by the City as an oddity  at best, and a menace at the worst. With few allies who can help him, and potentially a city full of enemies, Griever is more or less prepared to fight to the death.
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It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning. It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion.