Wow, I like that angle. I REALLy like that angle. 2000 a week is cake. Don't know why I've never thought about it that way before. I may just try to do that.
It doesn't work if you are Jim Butcher or Charlie Stross and trying to deliver two or three books a year, but then by the point in your career where you're Jim Butcher or Charlie Stross you generally don't have a day job to worry about.
Though I might shoot for 500 words a day, to add up to 3500 each week. I like to write SOMETHING every day, it keeps me in a good mood.
If that works for you, sure; I'm not pushing the method that works for me, specifically; just concerned that anyone looking at writing advice, even good writing advice, is reasonably aware of people's working styles varying and that being a legitimate thing.
Yesterday I did 980 words in about an hour and a half. I only stopped because the ex showed up at my writing spot and I had to make a speedy exit.
I don't think I have any exes that would prompt that reaction, which is probably for the best. (Last time I worked it out, I was still on close and friendly terms with almost exactly three-quarters of the people I have ever been involved with; getting those numbers to come out absolutely even would be a damned stupid reason to seek out one more new sweetie, I think.)