Author Topic: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs  (Read 37599 times)

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #60 on: June 27, 2008, 03:28:58 PM »

With the exception of Murphy, who is the most re-occurring non-center Character
in the Dresden series
Bob.  He's the only Character besides Murphy and Harry that has appeared in every Books  8)
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2008, 04:12:49 PM »
Well Mister would fall in that also...

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #62 on: June 27, 2008, 04:14:11 PM »
Even if you chose to play the plots from the books in a straight recreation...  and I don't think most gamers would do that (Players being the chaotic creatures that they are) remember that they re all told from a first person point of view, which means that all the characters are there and busy, just not where Harry can see them.

That is what allows someone to develop their own take one the other characters in an RPG.  The vision we get from Harry is only how he sees those people.  And, unless he has soul gazed them... well, what he sees is only the tip of an iceberg.

So, all the characters can be busy all the time, you just need a good GM/Story Teller to handle the diverse scenarios.

I think I would prefer creating new scenarios tailored to the player, but that is just me.
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2008, 04:49:32 PM »
Empirial Rome would make for an interesting setting. One has to wonder how many of the gods who have temples in the city are supernatural beasties building cults for themselves. Some of the emperors were, uh, obviously influenced by outside forces.

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #64 on: June 29, 2008, 01:44:56 PM »
Empirial Rome would make for an interesting setting. One has to wonder how many of the gods who have temples in the city are supernatural beasties building cults for themselves. Some of the emperors were, uh, obviously influenced by outside forces.
Id like to know what sort of bargain with Divinity the Egyptian pharaohs made to be called god-emperors.

Or how about something centered a major figure in history and the magic that didnt make it into the books;  like a game in the warcourt of Alexander, or Genghis Kahn.
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #65 on: June 29, 2008, 07:15:11 PM »
Hm, Pharoh as bearer of supernatural mantel is a pretty good one. I can imagine sun god powers wreaking merry havoc with the Red and Black Court vampires.

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #66 on: July 02, 2008, 06:53:33 AM »
Bob.  He's the only Character besides Murphy and Harry that has appeared in every Books  8)

Well Mister would fall in that also...

I really don't count Bob – who is an NPC Advisor that avoids any kind of combat at all costs.
This tendency, more then anything else, is why I classify him as a DM-PC.

Nor do I really count either Mister or Mouse – Mister is seen only rarely, and neither talk to Harry.
It is possible for a Player to be something like either of these two, but they are not really very important Characters, IMHO.
Mister is usually an early Warning System for Harry, and we are still learning about Mouse.

Even if you chose to play the plots from the books in a straight recreation...  and I don't think most gamers would do that (Players being the chaotic creatures that they are) remember that they re all told from a first person point of view, which means that all the characters are there and busy, just not where Harry can see them.

That is what allows someone to develop their own take one the other characters in an RPG.  The vision we get from Harry is only how he sees those people.  And, unless he has soul gazed them... well, what he sees is only the tip of an iceberg.

So, all the characters can be busy all the time, you just need a good GM/Story Teller to handle the diverse scenarios.

I think I would prefer creating new scenarios tailored to the player, but that is just me.

It is possible to do, just a pain in the arse to achieve – and I've tried it several times, and succeeded only a few.
What works best for me, on those extremely rare times that I can attempt doing it, is that I shall have each Player be the
FOCUS of the Game, and have them doing things that may - or may not be - normal; at the same time, I will have the other Players choose either premade Characters or just free-form various people (NPCs - like the mailman, busdriver, metermaid, etc).
Or in the case of The Dresden Files, the other Players might assume the roll of Least/Lesser Gifted (like those seen at Mac's Pub) and have them meet and react to the Focus PC. It can be a great deal of fun.
But, I must also warn you that it can be a greater disappointment.

Id like to know what sort of bargain with Divinity the Egyptian pharaohs made to be called god-emperors.

Or how about something centered a major figure in history and the magic that didnt make it into the books; 
like a game in the warcourt of Alexander, or Genghis Kahn.
Great, just what I need, another Yu-Gi-O! storyline..........ARG!!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 06:55:08 AM by DrygonDM »
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Offline Blaze

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #67 on: July 02, 2008, 07:21:46 AM »
But, I must also warn you that it can be a greater disappointment.


I have an older more experienced crew of gamers that I have been playing with off and on for decades, and while they will happily play pregens or insta-characters, if there is any way that they can see to bring in the main character that they want to play we immediately enter into debate forum until mutual resolution.  That is why I go for parallel play.  I can have Murphy across town doing something, and Thomas delayed somewhere by an incident... and then have all those threads tie in together with each of the players having found out a clue or component necessary to complete the plot, that works better for my group.

A lot depends on your players. 

(Our first ever debate in RPGing was why a female character couldn't have an 18 strength.  LOL  We decided it was because of misogyny on the part of someone who will not be named here, and we never used that rule.  Yep.  We beta tested D and D. No one paid much attention to our comments.)
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #68 on: July 03, 2008, 06:43:20 AM »

What does this mean ?

(Our first ever debate in RPGing was why a female character couldn't have an 18 strength. 
LOL  We decided it was because of misogyny on the part of someone who will not be named here, and we never used that rule. 
Yep.  We beta tested D and D. No one paid much attention to our comments.)

LOL. I have had the same debate, and I ruled that sinse there were RL women that had this level of strength, it was therefore possible in D&D.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Respect must be earned.

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Offline Blaze

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #69 on: July 03, 2008, 11:14:15 AM »
BTDT = Been There Done That   ;D
Chi pò, non vò; chi vò, non pò; chi sà, non fà; chi fà, non sà; e così, male il mondo va.

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #70 on: July 03, 2008, 03:47:13 PM »
BTDT = Been There Done That   ;D
Thanks!!! There are still a few of these that I don't know.
Respect must be earned.

If, in the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King - imagine the power of anyone that can clearly see !!!