Great stuff as always! I didn't realize that lycanthrope powers were tied so explicitly to the lunar cycle. I'd just assumed that they were that scary all of the time.
Like iago said. Plus, part of the fun in "Fool Moon" comes from Jim's research into all the different interpretations of werewolf legends, and figuring out how they might
all fit into the Dresdenverse. And part of the fun in the lycanthrope
template is how clever players might alter it for their own purposes. For example, I might be interested in playing a Latino character, mostly assimilated into the metropolitan L.A. culture, who discovers that he is descended from a family of pantherothropes (their "totem" for lack of a better word would be jaguars).
IIRC, there may have been a discussion in this site about the difference between the symbolic elements of an animal and their zoologically-verified behaviors; consider that a maned (read: male) lion is a symbol of bravery and hunting prowess, while it's the
females of the species who come closer to fulfilling this image. I'd like to see a few discussion threads on this board about how the players incorporate this difference into their games.