By that I assume you mean artifice as a synonym of crafting or making devices and not strategy or deciet, although as we've learned from harry assumptions are usually a bad thing lol

. Nah I'm trying to stay off the magic for a while the D&D/BESM/WM sessions I would play in usually ended up like this
GM: You come upon the camp of a horde of orcs/brigands/soldiers/ect so far none have noticed you and if you're careful you should be able to sneak around....
Player 1: I'll use an invisilibility item/spell/skill/sneak/roll avoidance ect
Player 2-6:" "
Me: I'll use a reveal all to find any sentries!
Everybody else:

GM: Umm are you sure?
Me: Yeah and just in case I'll use a delayed fireball/energy blast ect on the command tent!.....
50 rounds later.....
GM:Allright all 120 of the soldiers are dead now we can FINALLY move on to the story
5 rounds later
GM: You enter the cave where the tome you seek lies but directly ahead you notice a sleeping wyvern laying across the entrance to the next cave.
Free Action
Me: I sneak up to the wyvern and stick my staff up its @$$...

Its fun but I tend to end up being buried in flying soda cans and funnions bags, not cool. Me as warrior or theif preferably warrior/theif is similar but a bit more expected and the extra hp helps

but in something modern I gotta go tech chrazy or just crazy crazy nothing beats taking down the forces of evil in a straightjacket!