Author Topic: Live Chat for Writers???  (Read 8392 times)

Offline blgarver

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Live Chat for Writers???
« on: June 24, 2008, 11:53:53 PM »
So I'm sitting here working on my WIP and am having kind of a slow go at it for today's session.  Not for lack of ideas.  It's the climax scene of the book - that's right, I'm at the end - and it's just kind of a delicate journey for me.  Anywho, I love talking about writing, like everyone here, but sometimes waiting for someone to reply to the boards doesn't feed my need. 

I take short breaks - like 3 to 5 minutes a piece - during my writing sessions and I usually cruise this board and a couple of other writing groups.  It hit me just now that it would be cool if there was a live chat for writers through this board and/or others.  Reading and talking about writing always keeps my mind on target and keeps me from getting distracted with youtube (or youporn, lol) or sudoku or cleaning the kitchen or whatever.  It would be awesome to just log on and chat live with other writers instead of having to wait for responses.  I'm impatient like that sometimes. :)

Anyone know of something like this?  Or know how to start one?
I'm a videographer by trade.  Check out my work if you're a writer that needs to procrastinate.  Not as good as Rhett and Link, but I do what I can.