Author Topic: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard  (Read 87108 times)

Offline BigMama

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2006, 06:00:29 PM »
I SURE don't go anywhere without mine!  ;D
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Offline neminem

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2006, 07:42:18 PM »
Well, I can always adjust the number of posts per level, or add more. I'm not expecting to attach a lot of meaning to 'em.
I don't see the big deal about rising in the ranks either, but unfortunately some people do. The biggest problem, I've found, is people making loads of nuisance posts -- one liners, smiley only, or nattering on about things that add nothing to the topic being discussed -- to see the title change under their name.
I assume that the existence of the "report to moderator" link implies that it's possible to remove nuisance posts, in which case the question would become: does your total get decremented if one of your posts gets nuked?

Course it does. In any noninsane forum system, it keeps track of your posts in real time. For instance, over at OverClocked Remix, a handful of months ago they removed all the threads with over a few thousand posts, to save on disk space. Some people (mostly postwhores) lost upwards of a thousand posts each.

Offline julchek

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2006, 02:25:01 PM »
To follow up on one of the points in Dapper Dan's SPAM guidelines (which I thought were helpful):
4. The double-post: Posting twice in a row, without good reason.

For those of you who are new to forums like this, one way to work with this type of situation is to edit your previous post if you have additional information to share.  What I do is edit the post and add the letters ETA: underneath my initial post, in a bold font like this or a different color, and then add whatever my additional text is.  It prevents the double post, and you still get to make your point without having to wait until someone else posts in the forum  :) 

ETA:  :D Just wanted to check on the actual mechanism to edit a post, which is the "Modify" button that is in the upper right hand of someone's post.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2006, 02:30:21 PM by julchek »

Offline Ghoulfish

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #33 on: July 17, 2006, 03:46:46 PM »
Wouldn't it make more sense if the rankings were decided by how much we know about the books - maybe there could be quizes on the site about each book - the more you get right the higher your rank

Just my 2 cents worth (mind you it's Canadian so it is worth much less with the exchange rate as it is right now) - Bringing the Browncoat movement to print

Offline Mickey Finn

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2006, 05:38:28 PM »
I would say that's a loonie idea, but I don't want to get hit.

In reality, that would be impractal, for 2 reasons:

A) Administering the test with this many members (and sure to grow)
B) The title-based-on-post-count is built into the system code, he just supplied the names.

Good idea, but no real way to do it reliably on a shoestring budget. ;)
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Offline Ghoulfish

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2006, 07:54:42 PM »
Yeah it is a loonie idea thanx for pointing that out  ;D

Some of my Ideas are good, some are bad it's hard to be perfect all the time  :'(

Maybe someone should create a poll so the admin can see if this is really a big issue or not (personally I do not see why it matters if your a mortal, apprentice or wizard it just shows how new or active a person is on the board) - Bringing the Browncoat movement to print

Offline Valiar Marcus

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2006, 06:56:11 AM »
Maybe someone should create a poll so the admin can see if this is really a big issue or not
Considering no one had posted to this thread in six weeks before today, I'd say it is a dead issue. ;)
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Offline Ghoulfish

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2006, 11:02:58 PM »
For me Dead issues are the best issues  ;)

(I don't check the dates I just post)  :D

I feel everyone is entitled to my ideas - no matter what the circumstances are  ;D - Bringing the Browncoat movement to print

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #38 on: October 02, 2006, 06:53:11 PM »

SPAM Guide
SPAM: Stupid, pointless, annoying messages. SPAM can be in many formats:

1. The one-liner: "Yeah, I totally agree!"
2. Excess use of puncuation/smilies: "Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Say what? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?" or   ;) :) :D :-[ :-* :-* :'( :-[ ::) :( 8) :o
3. The irrelevant post: For instance, say the thread is about any given Movie, and you post with, "My cousin's sister's mother's brother's father's friend's aunt had a friend in said movie."
4. The double-post: Posting twice in a row, without good reason.
5. The double-topic: Posting a thread on something that already has a thread. For instance, the whole "favorite baby names" and "what would you name your kids".
6. The impatient post: For those of you who have ants in your pants, and can't wait for your requests to be finished, and so you decide to post in the design thread with "IS MY BANNER DONE YET?!?!? HOW LONG WILL IT BE?!?!"
7. The reviewless review: "I loved the movie!" - This is NOT a review, people.
8. The questionless questions: When you post in Meet the Staff forum- you need to post questions, NOT things like "Hey you're from Virginia like me, that's so cool!"
10. The I-Know-I'm-Not-Supposed-To-Reply post: This happens especially in the polls for schemes and such - I even TELL you guys NOT to post in them, unless you chose "other" as an option, and therefore you have to reply. But a lot of times, people reply anyway.

Bah! You're too picky. Would you prefer people only write mini novel length posts and create threads that go on until the world ends and the bozo aliens from planet What's-It come to see our remains?

People come to boards to have fun. Sure, there are many who aren't very mature, are desperate for any attention/contact, and generally are annoying. But to burn them for it is very Darth Vadar of you.
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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2006, 06:20:43 PM »
Well, I can always adjust the number of posts per level, or add more. I'm not expecting to attach a lot of meaning to 'em.
I don't see the big deal about rising in the ranks either, but unfortunately some people do. The biggest problem, I've found, is people making loads of nuisance posts -- one liners, smiley only, or nattering on about things that add nothing to the topic being discussed -- to see the title change under their name.
I assume that the existence of the "report to moderator" link implies that it's possible to remove nuisance posts, in which case the question would become: does your total get decremented if one of your posts gets nuked?

Course it does. In any noninsane forum system, it keeps track of your posts in real time. For instance, over at OverClocked Remix, a handful of months ago they removed all the threads with over a few thousand posts, to save on disk space. Some people (mostly postwhores) lost upwards of a thousand posts each.

Off topic: Actually, it depends on the board software.  Some keep track of each post, so something like your example would affect post count, but some just add 1 to the count of posts each time a post is made, so it doesn't matter if an old post is deleted or not.

IE, for the math inclined, there are two ways to keep track of post counts:

post count = sum(posts)

(which adds up all the posts in the database at a given time, and can be affected by post deletions)


post count = last_post_count + 1

(which adds 1 to the count each time you make a new post, and is not affected by post deletions because it is not counting all the posts in the database, but is instead adding the number "1" to the old post count number each time you make a new post).
- has put $0.10 in the pun tip jar as of today.

Offline Lord Nedd

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2006, 03:29:11 AM »

People come to boards to have fun. Sure, there are many who aren't very mature, are desperate for any attention/contact, and generally are annoying. But to burn them for it is very Darth Vadar of you.
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Offline CovoRoth

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #41 on: January 27, 2007, 04:59:52 AM »
We should make Priscellie some honory title, I mean come on she deserves something for her greek time on the boards.
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"No, you can only see the begining."

Offline Priscellie

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2007, 05:13:38 PM »
We should make Priscellie some honory title, I mean come on she deserves something for her greek time on the boards.

Efkaristo*, CovoRoth, but it's not necessary.  I feel conspicuous enough. XD

* "Thank you" in Greek.  See quoted text.  I've never met an amusing typo I haven't exploited.

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2007, 06:16:26 PM »
Well what would you say to Gate Keeper... You're their but people are just "OOOooo the gate keeper"?
"And, so, we stand here at the edge. I can only see the end."

"No, you can only see the begining."

Offline CovoRoth

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Re: Mortal, Apprentice, Wizard
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2007, 12:05:06 AM »
There should be something in between the white council and wizard, that third star is just beging the to be used. It could be like... wizaed teacher?
"And, so, we stand here at the edge. I can only see the end."

"No, you can only see the begining."