Author Topic: Character Help  (Read 12287 times)

Offline Ophidimancer

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Character Help
« on: April 28, 2008, 06:30:06 PM »
I'm not very familiar with the mechanics of character creation, so I thought I'd post my half-formed ideas and see if anyone has any suggestions.

The current character concept I'm working on is in Molly's boat.  A young, potential warlock under the Doom of Damocles.  I kinda want him under Harry's wing, but I don't know how many Dooms you can have on you at a time.  If anyone, Harry could pull it off, I'd think.

Anyway, he's the "earnest young man" archetype, good in school, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs.  He's something of a culture nerd, into classical music (he's a violinist) and Italian literature.  He's also gay and was undergoing "reparative" therapy at an exclusive boutique psychiatric clinic in the suburbs of Chicago.  To top it off, his burgeoning empathic abilities got him diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Unbeknown to the patients, the head psychiatrist of the clinic is a Skavis vampire who has a liking for the "taste" of internalized homophobia.  He manipulates his patients into little drama plays, often harboring years of seething self hate and despair in his "successes" and sometimes bingeing on an outright suicide or two.  This is where my character, Tim, comes in.

During group therapy Tim meets, and starts dating, one of the other patients.  They are just about to work up the nerve to leave the clinic together when the Skavis, who's been monitoring the situation, hires someone from Raith to come and seduce Tim's boyfriend right in front of him.  In the midst of the massive double feeding that results, the Skavis touches off something deep inside Tim and awakens his magic along with his Sight.  Being exposed to the sight of the White Court parasite feeding triggers Tim's survival instinct . . and his repressed anger.

In the aftermath, Tim is found by Harry and things look grim.  Here's a young wizard surrounded by a bunch of mind-burned patients and psychiatrists.  The verdict all but writes itself as Harry is ordered to do the deed and execute the warlock, until he digs some more and Karrin notices the money trail connecting the clinic to the White Court.

In typical fashion, Harry saves the day while embroiling himself even deeper in trouble with the White Council.

Tim, on the other hand, is just trying to cope with his newfound abilities and also his huge crush on Thomas, whom he doesn't know is White Court.  He and Molly don't really hang with the same circles in school, and he's shy.

Main Conflict:  Search for Love v. Bitterness, Betrayal and Revenge

Some Aspects:  Wounded Innocence, "I Owe You Pain!", Lost in the Music, "Oh no!  My Meds . .!"

I wanted Tim to be strong in Evocation, but for emotions rather than force, like Harry.  He has very little Thaumaturgy training and is hopeless with enchanting, alchemy, and making foci.

Offline Blaze

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Re: Character Help
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2008, 07:02:39 PM »
Uhm, and what do you mean by half-formed?  Sounds like your character is complex.  Maybe too complex. 

Are you really going to be able to play out all the baggage in an RPG without driving the other PCs nuts? 

Or, is that the point? 

A good general rule is: never take a disadvantage that you are not willing to play until you can buy it off. 

Look the meds up on line and look at the side effects, and then play at least 50% of them.
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Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: Character Help
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2008, 07:13:27 PM »
:blush:  Yeah sorry about that, more kept coming as I was writing.  Maybe it can be trimmed down a bit.  What did you think, though?  What seems like the focus of the character and what do you think I need to drop.  Does someone who knows a bit more about the mechanics of chargen have any comments?

Also, since I don't currently have a group to play Dresden Files with, this is an experimental character to both test the system and to have as maybe a stock character for later.

Offline Blaze

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Re: Character Help
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2008, 01:49:09 PM »
I could be more specific if I knew what rule pack you are using.  GURPS is what I am currently most familiar with, but I have run several other games in the way back, from Aftermath to Traveler.
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Offline SaintAndSinner

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Re: Character Help
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2008, 05:40:45 PM »
I'm in the bleeding alpha playtest group so I'll try to help.

I think you're right on with your character.  You would need a 'High Concept' that sums up your character...something like "Harry's Apprentice Wizard" or somesuch.   This would be your first Aspect.  Your personal struggle is fine and would be your second aspect.  That leaves 5 Aspects, one each for the following stages: Where did you come from?, What shaped you? What was your first story?, Who's story did you guest star in? (this stage is done twice).  After this (for a powerful character) you pick Skills as per Spirit of the Century (there will be other builds but this will give you a good idea).  Mortal and Supernatural Stunts reduce your "Refresh" of FATE points (which starts at 10 for a powerful character).  This may not go below 1 or you've dropped out of PC to NPC status.  The exact costs of Stunts may still change between now and publication.

High drama is possible and encouraged by the system (and the canon by the way).  You do not have to worry about only taking difficulites that you want to buy off later.  Having difficulties in this system rewards you with FATE points (sweet sweet FATE points) throughout the game. 

For active examples look at the following:

For the GURPS guy who is not familiar with the system look up "Spirit of the Century", a pulp action game that served as a public beta test of the FATE 3.0 rules.  You can find the SRD with a quick google.  I'll answer what questions I can (back in the pre-history of gaming I was pretty good with GURPS rules).
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 05:42:40 PM by SaintAndSinner »
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