Author Topic: MURPG Adaption. Lil' help?  (Read 12090 times)

Offline janus1612

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MURPG Adaption. Lil' help?
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:38:59 PM »
Hi folks

Only my second post and already I'm asking awkward questions. Yea I know but I figured if Harry can do it then why not me, why not here and why not now?

Anyway I was wondering if any of you out there knew the MURPG system. I'm pondering using it as a basis for an on line story telling type game I wanna run based in Merry Olde England... kinda... The system is diceless and thus perfect for online role playing.

My only problem is adapting the system of magic Jim describes to the system MURPG uses. Though perhaps I should break that down into 1) Figuring out Jim's basic laws of magic 2) Breaking them down into useable categories  3) Coming up with basic rules based on the MURPG system.

On number 2 I've so far got Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Enchantment and Alchemy but I've yet to figure out where Veils and Shields fit into that and haven't figured out a system by which individual Wizards tallents, like Harry having a tallent for heavy duty magic but not being so good as delicate stuff can be accounted for. Also where does thinks like Ectomancy, Neuromancy, Necromancy etc fit into the scheme of things?

Admittedly the MURPG system is so loose that the whole rules thing won't be too difficult and I could just fudge it but I like the world and mythos Jim has created so much that I really want to stay true and faithful to what he has done.

Which brings me to you folks. From the little I have read on the boards your knowledge of the Dresdenverse has mine beat hands down. So, what if anything can you tell me?
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Re: MURPG Adaption. Lil' help?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2008, 12:49:26 PM »
Anyway I was wondering if any of you out there knew the MURPG system. I'm pondering using it as a basis for an on line story telling type game I wanna run based in Merry Olde England... kinda... The system is diceless and thus perfect for online role playing.
MURPG as in Marvel Universe RPG?

My honest answer is I probably wouldn't try. There are a lot of games out there which require a lot less work to convert to Jim's world. If you want to go diceless I would suggest Active Exploits is a lot closer to what you need as a starting point. For that matter Amber would probably be a better starting point.

If you do decide to go with MURPG you need to change the way Energy Regeneration Rate works. A typical Marvel hero snaps back to full efficiency after a few panels. Harry once he's exhausted his power appears to be out for a long time. Similarly white or red court vampires low on omph need to feed etc.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck.

Offline janus1612

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Re: MURPG Adaption. Lil' help?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2008, 06:52:52 PM »
Humm... good point well made.

Well I'm kinda stuck with the system... Yes Marvel Universe... I'm running it on the MURPG site... what can ya do?

Guess I'm gonna have to work something out. Fortunately I'm keeping fully fledged White and Red court vamps as NPC's or bad guys. Just need to figure out a way for wizards to work.
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.