Author Topic: writing habits of Dresdenarians  (Read 16113 times)

Offline LizW65

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writing habits of Dresdenarians
« on: April 27, 2008, 01:50:37 PM »
Inquiring minds want to know!  Do you:
-Use a computer, old-fashioned typewriter, or pen and paper?
-Set aside a time every day to write?
-Force yourself to write something every day, even if it comes out stilted?
-Have an outline, or just start with an idea?  If an outline, how detailed is it?
-Have a room or area specifically for writing?
-Play Queen or Queensryche to shut out the world, or do you need complete silence?
-Start with plot, or with characters?
-Edit and re-write as you go, or when come to the end?
-Show your rough draft to others, or re-write first?
-Struggle most with dialogue, exposition, action scenes, or bridge scenes?
-Talk about what you are writing to others?
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Offline purenightshade

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2008, 02:18:01 PM »
1. Depends. If at home, the computer is used. If elsewhere, pen and paper are used.
2. I try to set aside time every day to write at least something.
3. I do force at least a couple paragraphs to a page out. If I get more, that's great.
4. Part outline, part general idea. I know where I'm going but I'm also letting the characters flow as they will. They have some set things that I'm guiding them towards but mostly they roam free. I do have some things that are completely outlined, though.
5. I have an entire corner of the basement that is mine. I write there as it contains both my computer and my binder of hand written stuff.
6. I play very loud music while I write as sometimes the music inspires things.
7. Sometimes I start with characters and sometimes I start with plots. I write a lot...
8. I constantly edit and re-write and 'tweak'.
9. I show my rough drafts to a few people.
10. It really depends on what I'm writing, but in general I find battle scenes the hardest to write.
11. Constantly. My big complaint right now (ha!) is that a novel that has gone from 99, 267 words has exploded up to over 105,000 over the course of one rewrite. And that's with deleting large sections of text. Tells you how much I've been adding in to fill the gaps...

Offline SailorYue

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2008, 02:29:11 PM »
ive never written anything original really, so ill list how i do fanfics

1 i use a computer. when i use pen and papaer, thats where they'll stay. unpublished cuz im thru with the story.
2 i usually write when the urge gets me. sometimes its just when i have time, but i have to WANT to write, otherwise im like that avatar i see "i didnt get any writing done, but i won 7 /245 games of solitaire" ;P
3 see above: if i try to force myself, the writing will suck and ill have to go back and fix it.
4 usually i plan it in my head, then write as it cmes, but my most recent idea is a song fic, and i outlined it, each part to each verse. so i dont forget.... i dont want to screw this one up.
5 i cant have any distractions, so i write away from tv and mst music.
6 i dont have my own writing space,
7 the story hits me first. i could be doing something else, and then an idea starts to grow and blossom.
8 i usually edit as i go. sometms i do it at the nd, so its a toss up.
9 only occasionally i use betas.
10 i would guess fight scenes and action scenes. tho ive never written more than a one-shot peice. (i DO have 2 novelete fics.... tho i forgot how hard they wre to write, i wrote them over 6 years ago)
11 sometimes to my online pals, especially if theyre in the same fandom.... i dont have anyone to talk to about my song fic, cuz only the people hear know the fandom ;)

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2008, 07:49:30 AM »
-Use a computer, old-fashioned typewriter, or pen and paper?

Computer, but I need at one point I need a hard copy to find review and revise what I've written. Also, I keep notes on paper (because ideas usually come when the computer is off.)

-Set aside a time every day to write?

Yes -- unless I am giving myself a day off.

-Force yourself to write something every day, even if it comes out stilted?

Nope. If my muse is on French leave, I can't write complete sentences. But I try to get some ideas down for the next scene.

-Have an outline, or just start with an idea?  If an outline, how detailed is it?

I don't have an outline.

-Have a room or area specifically for writing?

More of an alcove.

-Play Queen or Queensryche to shut out the world, or do you need complete silence?

Depends on my mood. Music helps when I am having trouble sitting still but want to get up every five minutes for some trivial thing or other.

-Start with plot, or with characters?

For my current novel-in-progress, it was characters. For my next (if there is a next) I have an idea for the overall plot, but the next step would be to develop the characters and then just start writing and see where they take me.

-Edit and re-write as you go, or when come to the end?

Both. I revise after each scene, chapter, part, and each finished draft. So far I haven't seen the end. The end will be when I stop revising.

-Show your rough draft to others, or re-write first?

I showed my first draft to my sister and a good friend and received valuable comments. Later, I workshopped the first 250 or so pages at OWW.

-Struggle most with dialogue, exposition, action scenes, or bridge scenes?

Exposition (who doesn't?) and action scenes. Right now I have a problem with the late middle. There's not enough action because the antagonist is "indisposed" and can't move against the hero just yet. So I have to find a way to include a battle between his minions and the good guys to keep the story moving.

-Talk about what you are writing to others?

All the time, but only to family, close friends, and my reviewing partner.
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Offline LizW65

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2008, 01:40:59 PM »
Do you:
-Use a computer, old-fashioned typewriter, or pen and paper?

Laptop computer, but I take longhand notes.
-Set aside a time every day to write?
I try to get in 2-3 hours every day, unless I have specific plans that prevent me from doing so.
-Force yourself to write something every day, even if it comes out stilted?
Sometimes the muse just doesn't show up, and I try to get the ideas written any old way.  I can always go back and fix it later.
-Have an outline, or just start with an idea?  If an outline, how detailed is it?
I have a detailed outline of every chapter.  I don't quite French scene everything, but I come close.
-Have a room or area specifically for writing?
My bed, with an adjustable laptop table.
-Play Queen or Queensryche to shut out the world, or do you need complete silence?
I need total silence (earplugs help) but certain songs have provided inspiration.
-Start with plot, or with characters?
Usually I start with the characters, or a very general idea.
-Edit and re-write as you go, or when come to the end?
I edit and re-write constantly - more than I ought to, really, as it slows down the whole process.  I tend to get bogged down by minor details when I ought just to get on with it.
-Show your rough draft to others, or re-write first?
I never show anything to anyone unless I feel it is finished to my satisfaction.  That goes for any creative project, not just writing.
-Struggle most with dialogue, exposition, action scenes, or bridge scenes?Dialogue and bridge scenes.
-Talk about what you are writing to others?
Hardly at all, except in the most general terms.  It sounds silly, but I guess I'm afraid I'll "jinx" the project if I talk about it to anyone.
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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2008, 05:47:44 PM »
-Use a computer, old-fashioned typewriter, or pen and paper?

A laptop; I sit in front of a computer all day at work, so I want one I can lie in bed with while I write.

-Set aside a time every day to write?
-Force yourself to write something every day, even if it comes out stilted?

Nope. I have a full-time job, a family, a Civ addiction and a complicated life to maintain, and I do not think writing every day fits my pattern. 

I write every week, on Friday evening 80% of the time.  I usually get at least a couple of thousand words written every Friday.  That, consistently, gets a novel's worth written every year, more or less.  "Write every day" is mostly useful advice only for people who procrastinate from writing; I don't.

-Have an outline, or just start with an idea?  If an outline, how detailed is it?

Depends entirely on the story.  I usually get some key scenes before anything else; I usually have some notion of how to get between them; when writing, I have notes file with everything I have thought of that needs to go in, and a plan file with what goes in each chapter, but the plan file is updated after the chapters get written.

-Have a room or area specifically for writing?

Having a study of my own helps, though it also gets used for sleeping in sometimes - master bedroom in my apartment is shared with someone who cannot sleep with it too hot and needs windows open a lot of the time, and I cannot sleep with it too noisy and need windows shut almost all the time, so the compromise is I sleep in my study when it's hot.

-Play Queen or Queensryche to shut out the world, or do you need complete silence?

I play music to write, but not to revise.

-Start with plot, or with characters?

Depends on the story; usually a bit of both.

-Edit and re-write as you go, or when come to the end?

If I notice a drastic problem as I am going along, I will fix; if I need to check continuity, or put clues in chapter 4 for something I have just realised I want to do in chapter 16, I fix as I go. But mostly I finish, let it sit for a bit, give it another pass with corrections, and then send it to readers.

Oh, I also usually give whatever I wrote last week a quick through pass before starting to write this week.

-Struggle most with dialogue, exposition, action scenes, or bridge scenes?

The scenes that give me most trouble don't break down by this kind of category.

-Talk about what you are writing to others?

To a few specific others.
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kittensgame, Sandcastle Builder, Homestuck, Welcome to Night Vale, Civ III, lots of print genre SF, and old-school SATT gaming if I had the time.  Also Pandemic Legacy is the best game ever.

Offline meg_evonne

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2008, 06:00:55 PM »
Inquiring minds want to know!  Do you:
-Use a computer, old-fashioned typewriter, or pen and paper?

-Set aside a time every day to write? 
yes but I have 24 hour or longer weekend marathons if I'm in the flow.
-Force yourself to write something every day, even if it comes out stilted?
yes, part of the definition, isn't it?
-Have an outline, or just start with an idea?   If an outline, how detailed is it?
I bought a poster board this AM for my first plot arch that JB recommended with a zillion post it notes.  Usually I have the outline in my head plus three to four minor story archs and several characters already fleshed out, an intro and conclusion before I start writing.
-Have a room or area specifically for writing?   Nope--anywhere, anytime.  Have laptop, will travel.  Hotel rooms are great.
-Play Queen or Queensryche to shut out the world, or do you need complete silence?
No complete silence--celtic music, sci fi CD, even old tv DVDs.  The zone can be stroked externally by any foder as long as I don't have to pay attention to it and it keeps me company.
-Start with plot, or with characters? 
characters plus extensive backgrounds
-Edit and re-write as you go, or when come to the end?  
re-read writing from the day before and edit---then proceed to writing as soon as I'm flowing well.
-Show your rough draft to others, or re-write first? 
35 years--no one read any of my stuff.  Family didn't value writing and those that do--aren't big sci fi fans....  That has changed greatly over the past year with online classes and a writer's group we set up.  I'm heading to my first University of IA writing conference, live--in person with manuscript in hands.  I figure I'll have to be drunk the first day---which will not be good--only kidding--kinda.
-Struggle most with dialogue, exposition, action scenes, or bridge scenes?
villians, I've  tended to like broad society issues as villians. 
-Talk about what you are writing to others?
almost never, but i will talk about scenes or technique that I'm having trouble resolving to get ideas.  My office manager is a writer with a Masters in English.  No, I didn't hire her because of that--but it is a bonus...

It's a lot easier writing when you didn't think anyone will read it; a lot harder to think in terms of presenting to an agent or a house.  *grumble, grumble* [/b]

"Calypso was offerin' Odysseus immortality, darlin'. Penelope offered him endurin' love. I myself just wanted some company." John Henry (Doc) Holliday from "Doc" by Mary Dorla Russell
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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2008, 06:51:25 PM »
-Use a computer, old-fashioned typewriter, or pen and paper?

* I use a desktop PC and MS Word. I am considering a change to an iMac and iWork. I back my work up on a portable flash drive weekly or when I hit a milestone.

-Set aside a time every day to write?

* When I am working on a project, yes.

-Force yourself to write something every day, even if it comes out stilted?

* No. It's little more than a road to burn out and tossed work.

-Have an outline, or just start with an idea?  If an outline, how detailed is it?

* Preliminary work involves developing appropriate caricatures for the story with just enough detail to flesh easily while working and than preparing a chapter outline that includes a couple of fun events.  The rest is filling in the details.

-Have a room or area specifically for writing?

* A home office / home theater combo.

-Play Queen or Queensryche to shut out the world, or do you need complete silence?

* Sometimes, I listen to the news in the background or a genre appropriate music CD. Sometimes, I don’t.

-Start with plot, or with characters?

* Neither. Both are formed when considering theme and genre.

-Edit and re-write as you go, or when come to the end?

* I write a page or chapter, then re-read and tool it up. I check it again next day when I start the next part to get back into the flow of the story.

-Show your rough draft to others, or re-write first?

* If my work is displayed, it is after completion.

-Struggle most with dialogue, exposition, action scenes, or bridge scenes?

* Confidence. Sometimes clarity of thought or focus when my emotional state is unsettled.

-Talk about what you are writing to others?

* No. My preferred genre of speculative fiction was a social death sentence and door to ridicule in my area growing up. Small towns and small minds… A reading Harry Potter makes you a Satanist kind of place.

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2008, 07:56:59 PM »
Hardly at all, except in the most general terms.  It sounds silly, but I guess I'm afraid I'll "jinx" the project if I talk about it to anyone.

I often feel like that too.  I generally work from very detailed outlines (down to the scene/sequel level), and any more discussion of the work with other people will make my writing stale.

Offline SailorYue

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2008, 09:19:52 PM »
has this ever happened to anyone: once you get the story written, your mind forgets it? that happens to me, which is why i dont use paper and pen anymore. once i get the story done, IM done wit hthe story. i never want to dwell on it again

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2008, 09:35:00 PM »
* I use a desktop PC and MS Word. I am considering a change to an iMac and iWork. I back my work up on a portable flash drive weekly or when I hit a milestone.

   Did you hear the many groans of OH NO!!!  Back up daily and keep flash drive with you at all times!  I even back up the back up on a side system work computer.

"Calypso was offerin' Odysseus immortality, darlin'. Penelope offered him endurin' love. I myself just wanted some company." John Henry (Doc) Holliday from "Doc" by Mary Dorla Russell
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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2008, 09:39:30 PM »
has this ever happened to anyone: once you get the story written, your mind forgets it? that happens to me, which is why i dont use paper and pen anymore. once i get the story done, IM done wit hthe story. i never want to dwell on it again

Particularly with short stories. Novels take more thought and become far more "personal" with me. particularly whan I am staying tight to theme.

Did you hear the many groans of OH NO!!!  Back up daily and keep flash drive with you at all times!  I even back up the back up on a side system work computer.

It would be wise. But I am careless and lazy with it because I lack hope.  :-\

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2008, 09:57:22 PM »
I do short stories as a hobby, sometimes for competition. Not published yet.

-Use a computer, old-fashioned typewriter, or pen and paper?
outlines on paper, ideas into moleskin, writing on g4 Powerbook and Word. I always have something to write next to my bed in case I can't sleep

-Set aside a time every day to write?

-Force yourself to write something every day, even if it comes out stilted?
no. I have one project for which I write down one idea per day, but not the actual text.

-Have an outline, or just start with an idea?  If an outline, how detailed is it?
idea, then outline.

-Have a room or area specifically for writing?

-Play Queen or Queensryche to shut out the world, or do you need complete silence?
if I listen to musik, then soemthing without lyrics. ambient, electonic music, that kind of stuff.

-Start with plot, or with characters?
whatever comes first.

-Edit and re-write as you go, or when come to the end?
when I decide to write but have no fresh ideas/ writer's block, I'll edit some older parts.

-Show your rough draft to others, or re-write first?
rewrite first.

-Struggle most with dialogue, exposition, action scenes, or bridge scenes?
dialogue and action.

-Talk about what you are writing to others?

bonus answer:
I drink cheap french wine and eat expensive alpine cheese while writing  ;D
I only read the British editions of Dresden Files, so I am half a year behind concerning the plot.
I also only read them when I travel.

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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2008, 01:41:17 AM »
Back in the early 1990s, I had a lot of fun writing short stories and humor pieces, and even sold a couple, and won a couple of small press competitions. I used an original PC-XT to start with, with MS Word, and got hooked, because it was so much easier to rewrite and edit changes than with paper and a typewriter. I still generally started a story by outlining it on yellow legal pads, though, and posted the outline on the wall by the PC so I could keep track while I wrote. I joined a local writers' group, and we got together regualrly and shared and supported each other. One of my friends was a big fan of Hawaii Five-O, and wrote and sold the definitive book on the TV series, another got a three book mystery series published.
Then I got a job that entailed a lot of writing as a part of the job description. I spent several years doing a lot of writing on the word processor, cranking out software manuals, requirements documents, user guides, and technical stuff to the point that writing stopped being fun anymore.
Now that I'm retired and have the free time, I'd kind of like to get back into fiction and humor again, and I'm hoping the spark comes back. That's one reason I hang around with people that I know are active readers, and like to discuss books.
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Re: writing habits of Dresdenarians
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2008, 02:07:35 AM »
I still generally started a story by outlining it on yellow legal pads, though, and posted the outline on the wall by the PC so I could keep track while I wrote.

I actually type my outlines and notes into word and then print the material to keep on the desk for easy reference while working. Something about having it on paper...

Then I got a job that entailed a lot of writing as a part of the job description. I spent several years doing a lot of writing on the word processor, cranking out software manuals, requirements documents, user guides, and technical stuff to the point that writing stopped being fun anymore.

Having been paid to write, do you now find it difficult to care about grammar and spelling when you are not being paid to do so? Like on a posting forum? (Nothing implied.)