Seriously, think about it.
Nicodemus: And now, you die!
Harry: Oh, get in line will you?
Goon: uuugh ugghg!!!
Harry: erm, what?
Nicodemus: He said the cops are coming!
Harry: aw man...
Constable: What's all this then?!?
Nicodemus: .... nothing? ....
Harry: Why my good friend here is trying to say is that we are just playing a game Officer.
Constable: A game?!?
Harry: Yes, it's erm, Live action roll playing! See, I pretend to be a wizard fighting for good, and my friend here is pretending to be a crapulant villain
Harry: *throws a tennis ball at Nicodemus* "see?"
Nicodemus: *glares* "erm yes, just a game".
Constable: "Very well. But move along, you're scaring the neighbors".
Zombie plague? Fae showdown? Demon Summoning? It can all be blamed on LARPing. After all, no one in their right mind would actually LARP now would they?