Author Topic: Lynch Character Sketch  (Read 12198 times)

Offline Lanodantheon

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Lynch Character Sketch
« on: April 17, 2008, 05:10:38 AM »
Following Douglas and Rechan's example, I felt inspired and compelled to post a character I'd love to play as soon as I can get my hands on the DFRPG. I know a little bit about the SOTC system, but I've never actually played in it and the more I read about it the more I want it.
This character sketch feels very cathartic, since a bit of myself is in it I admit, but this is not just me making a character based on myself. Lynch is a glorified version of every 17 year old geek on the planet. When the RPG comes out, I will probably run this character in Magical Spokane, WA. Until then, here's what I think he'll be.

Name: Holden Tyrell Lynch (Alias)

Age: 19

Address: Ponderosa Drive, Spokane, WA

High Concept: Fanboy turned Magical Vigilante

Personal Struggle: His own sense of justice vs. what The Powers That Be believe is right.

Where Did You Come From?
Stereotypical white American family: Mom, Dad, Brother, sister and a little white picket fence in the middle of no where. He was a lazy, overweight B-/C+ Student with a lot of potential and an unhealthy obsession with pop culture, TV fandoms and online forums. Had nothing happened to him, he would have probably lived out his life forgotten by the world.

What Shapes You?
One day, Lynch had to walk through an unfamiliar part of downtown. As he was admiring the old architecture, his Sight decided to start working for the first time. He saw a lot of weird things, including a portal to the Nevernever as it opened in front of him. He looked through the portal in time to see the end of a battle between a Wizard of the White Council, a Faerie horde and local Vampire mobsters. He watched as what was left of the White Council Wizard landed at his feet. The Wizard made eye contact with Lynch as he died, which gave Lynch his first Soulgaze. The Soulgaze told him what he saw was real.
The Vamps decided to finish their fervor by eating a nearby homeless guy before they turned on Lynch, but he was able to stake them with improvised weapons and raw magic. He was lucky they were Black Court…
Lynch checked the Wizard’s ID and followed it to the Wizard’s apartment and magical library. This orgy of knowledge and the events of the night lit a fire under Lynch’s lazy ass. Lynch literally absorbed all the Magical Knowledge he could get his hands on and went from mediocre to honor student overnight.

He studied magic on his own for over two years, never running into the White Council or anyone else until he was ready to reveal himself. He found out about the magical Casablanca through the old Wizard’s journals. He chose the name Lynch because he thought that if someone knew what he was, he would probably be Lynched. That, and his favorite director is David Lynch. So, he takes up the handle of Lynch and decides to take to the things that go bumb in his town.

What’s Your First Novel?

Can’t do it yet, I don’t have any players…

·   “I got a Gorram plan!!!”
·   “There’s always time to stop and think…”
·   “You think that makes you special or something?”
·   Still a Geek…
·   A little in over his head
·   “I’ve always wanted to say/do that!”
·   “We can’t let them get away with that!”

·   Lore (Superb +5)
·   Conviction (Superb +5)
·   Discipline (Great +4)
·   Scholarship (Great +4)
·   Resources (Good +3)
·   Investigation (Good +3)
·   Alertness (Fair +2)
·   Craftsmanship (Fair +2)
·   Weapons (Fair +2)
·   Rapport (Average +1)
·   Burglary (Average +1)
·   Drive (Average +1)
·   Stealth (Average +1)
·   Guns (Average +1)

·   Permission: Wizard (-1)
·   The Sight (-1)
·   Soulgaze (-1)
·   Wizard’s Constitution (0)
·   Evocation (spirit, power) (-2)
·   Thaumaturgy (alchemy) (-2)
·   Supreme Concentration - Lynch’s Discipline is considered to be Fantastic whenever Discipline would restrict, complement, or otherwise modify another skill. This has no effect on his actual Discipline rating when the skill itself is being rolled.

Refresh Rate: 2

Fate Points: 2

Explanation of aspects:

“I got a Gorram plan!!!”: They aren't always good though. Compelling this Aspect would be fun.

“There’s always time to stop and think…”: My favorite Leadership quote. However, Lynch does need to think every now and then.

"You think that makes you special or something?”: Lynch has read tons of lore, but he still has a real problem with authority aor people who think their special.

Still a Geek…: Self Explanatory. Not very good for his rapport.

A little in over his head: Lynch thinks he knows a lot, he does, but he doesn't know everything. This can come back to bite him or it can allow him to rush into certain doom because he doesn't know any better.

“I’ve always wanted to say/do that!”: Not the same as Still a Geek. Lynch is a teenager who just became Wizard. He is full of repressed wants and desires.

“We can’t let them get away with that!”: Lynch has a strong sense of justice. He won't let people get away with things he thinks are wrong.

I'm pretty sure I did the math right.  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...