Author Topic: Comic Preview!  (Read 10346 times)

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Comic Preview!
« on: April 16, 2008, 03:04:30 AM »
The first issue of the Dresden Files graphic novel, Welcome to the Jungle, comes out TOMORROW!  Use Diamond's Comic Shop Locator tool to find the store nearest you!

Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle #1 (of 4)

Written by Jim Butcher
Pencils Ardian Syaif
Inks by Joe Pimentel (Amazing Spider-Man)
Covers by Ardian Syaif  and Chris McGrath

Harry Dresden is on the case again, this time investigating a brutal mauling at the Lincoln Park Zoo that has left a security guard dead… and many questions unanswered. But Dresden isn't a private detective, looking for a murderer – he's a wizard, with the ability to interact with the magical world around our own, and to see that there's much more to this case than a simple animal attack. As Dresden begins to hunt for clues to figure out who is really behind this crime, he finds himself next on the victims list…

Written exclusively for comics by New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle is a brand new story set in the world of the wildly popular sci-fi series of novels, The Dresden Files, that's sure to enchant readers with a blend of gripping mystery and fantastic adventure!

On sale April 16 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US

Click the thumbnail to view the full size image:

And as a bonus, another illustration from Backup:

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