Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB012 - Dabbling with the Dabels

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Yeah, Ernst is a really thoroughly optimistic guy.  I was impressed -- and reminded how important that quality is for business success (especially when combined with the other quality he showed -- persistence).

Hee, I love that all my notions of how "Dabel" could be pronounced were wrong.

And yeah, Ernst is such a fun guy to work with.  It was a bit unsettling not to hear a single "my friend," though.  It's like a box of CrackerJacks without the secret decoder ring.


--- Quote from: Priscellie on April 12, 2008, 01:40:13 PM ---Hee, I love that all my notions of how "Dabel" could be pronounced were wrong.

And yeah, Ernst is such a fun guy to work with.  It was a bit unsettling not to hear a single "my friend," though.  It's like a box of CrackerJacks without the secret decoder ring.
--- End quote ---

It's probably something he uses in text to help get over the problems that text has in communicating tone.  When you've got him on the phone, there's no mistake. :)


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