Author Topic: Backup Cover and Storm Front SE status update!  (Read 10087 times)

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Backup Cover and Storm Front SE status update!
« on: March 25, 2008, 02:57:58 PM »

We now have the cover art for Backup, plus a status update on their Special Edition of Storm Front!  From Subterranean Press:

We've completed the design and initial proofing of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files novelette, Backup. All that's left is for Jim to set pen to the signature pages and take a final proofing tour through the book himself. Mike Mignola (of Hellboy fame) has graced us with the striking cover as well as four black-and-white interior illustrations, making this a rare treat for Jim (and Mike's) many fans. Printed in two colors throughout, with such great illustrations and a rare glimpse at Harry Dresden's world through the eyes of his demon brother, Thomas, Backup has turned into a very special project indeed.

Collector's Note: A reminder that we're also doing a limited edition of the first Dresden Files novel, Storm Front, which is pre-selling exceptionally well. In the two days since we first announced it for preorder, over half of the print run for Storm Front has been reserved. As we're only doing 526 copies, you might want to get your order in soon or risk disappointment. We currently have a proposal in with Jim's main publisher to do more of the Dresden Files novels as limiteds, so now's your chance to get in on the ground floor.

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