On this
show I interviewed Rob Donoghue and Fred Hicks of
Evil Hat Productions about
Spirit of the Century. We also touch on some previewey stuff for the
Dresden Files RPG as well.
This episode is 93 MB big and 1:07:40 long.
00:01:47: What Spirit of the Century is
00:02:22: A public beta for The Dresden Files RPG
FATE > Spirit of the Century > The Dresden Files RPG
Grey Ghost Games00:05:15: A quick rundown of FATE,
FUDGE dice00:05:53:
The Shadow of Yesterday00:07:19: The skill pyramid, and the reasons for it
00:07:58: Skills in The Dresden Files RPG
00:08:23: Harry Dresden's player min-maxed him
Musashi00:09:47: Aspects
Amber and
Amber Diceless RPG00:13:01:
Seventh Sea00:13:25:
Trollbabe00:16:01: The compel mechanic
Leonard Balsera00:17:02: The Dresden Files RPG: Supernaturals driven by their nature by low refresh
00:19:38: Gateway between hippy and trad
00:20:07: Declarations
00:21:00: "The really hippy stuff is the GM advice"
00:24:00: The traditional stuff in the game
Marvel Superheroes RPG00:25:22:
Don't Rest Your Head00:26:04:
Reign and
True2000:27:11: Stunts in The Dresden Files RPG
00:29:26: Stuff in Spirit of the Century as published that does not work
00:31:13: Companions Reloaded in
Spirit of the Season00:31:44: "We suck at playtesting!"
00:32:20: Stress tracks, problems with them
00:34:42: How The Dresden Files RPG fixes stress track problems
00:36:38: Stuff that didn't make it in to Spirit of the Century
00:36:59: The lost dogfighting rules
Clinton R. Nixon on parallel and perpendicular actions
00:41:03: Editioning through new products
00:42:27: Wherein Rob tries to find something Fred hasn't said already elsewhere about the publishing process
00:43:56: Clinton's game,
iStockphoto and
Dover Publications clip art00:46:56: Why this form factor?
00:47:21: Skill trappings in The Dresden Files RPG
Aberrant and
Trinity00:49:08: Form factor of The Dresden Files RPG
Jennifer Rodgers is doing
art in The Dresden Files RPG00:49:48: Robot from the future,
Chad Underkoffler, writing setting in The Dresden Files RPG
00:50:10: My
Newark in the Dresdenverse thingie
00:50:51: How do you do marketing? (HAHAHAHAH)
FATAL, an example of a game with its marketing built right in
00:55:11: Dealing with the problematic elements of the pulp genre
Harry Chapin00:57:15: The point of Spirit of the Century
00:59:26: Bruce Baugh's
New Horizons, a socially-conscious Spirit of the Century supplement
00:59:45: Is Spirit of the Century a success?
01:04:09: The secret origins of The Grey Ghost, Jet Black, Max Silver, and Sally Slick
Closing music is Skins Don't Cry by
The Hub City Stompers.
Logo courtesy of Daniel Solis: