Hello guys. I haven't been on this website for about a month and i've been stubborn and not looking at Jim's blog about how to write. I have even bought the book called /On Writing/ by Stephen King. But, until i feel the time is right(i might just be arrogant at the moment) i will not read anything. I have also decided that a very efficient way to write chapters is to definitively outline them. Oh! and Meg_Evonne. i'm glad you never did anything with the idea for a book i sent you. i have extraploated on the idea and the happenings and it is definitely going to be a WTF why did you do that?!?!?!? rage type of book that are going to keep people on edge. The idea i'm talking about is the one that seems like The Matrix. Hehee. Also, i have decided to wait until i am done with my second book(plot is set in alternate world in the past.) to publish them. That is the book that i'm setting the big money on. A scene i have
is one that there is a person in a big war fighting scene where somebody is going to be speaking a very deadly and long spell, but before he/she finishes a badass assassin rips off their jaw, backhands them with it, and jams it into their throat, killing them. probably the a minor antagonist is going to be doing that.
That scene is going to be epic. I'm trusting the people who read that spoiler to not rip me off, because i'm trying to do original things. its hard though. stupid being born after the whole Writing Books Of Fantasy craze went on in the last 100 years. grr.
I feel like i could ramble on for hours
Anyways, if anybody would like to talk to me i love to talk to people and i love friends even more. Lalalala...
Glad i'm only 16 though, i have a lot of time to be awesome and write books. Tralalalalaa...