Author Topic: Author In Progress  (Read 284838 times)

Offline weever

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2006, 02:07:23 AM »
It's nice to know that I'm not the only aspiring novelists in this genre.

I've been writing since about the third grade.  You know the stories.  The ones with all of your friends as the lead characters.  Whoever pissed you off that week appeared as the new antagonist that ended with a justified flogging of some sort.

For years I told people I wanted to be a writer.  I had high school teachers pushing me in that direction.  My biggest problem then was meeting deadlines.  I also didn't believe that I could make a decent living at it.  So as with most thing at that point in my life, my inner writer got shelved.

Within the last few years that inner writer resurfaced a monster.  I was fortunate enough to marry a woman that understood the creative side of life and kindled the tiny spark back to a flame.  I'm currently transforming that flame into a furnace.

Since then I have written several short stories.  None of them have piqued the interest of any editors, but I still have some out there.  When my fingers aren't crossed, they're typing away on the next twisted story.  Sometimes I think it's more like playing scribe to voices in my head.

One of my favorite short stories is about a company that sells ogres.  It's kind of a day in life of the owner.  It follows him as he interviews a possible new employee and as he deals with opposition to his business.

I'm currently working on a larger piece about a thief.  It follows his exploits as he raises in the ranks in a crime organization.  It takes place in in an alternate world where science takes on more magic-like qualities.  I've got a basic outline that will stretch over three novels.  The first book is just now being fleshed out and changes to those original ideas are being changed almost daily.

I find writing is like riding a bike.  Even after putting it down for almost a decade, I can still do it.  Although, if I plan on doing those jumps and wheelies that keep people watching, I need to keep riding(writing) everyday.


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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2006, 11:42:04 PM »
Hey all!  Um, my name's Monica.  I've been writing since I was about 10 (I'm 15 now), and I'm very obviously unpublished.  But I hope to be published one day.  Actually, I'm hoping my current novel will get published, because I think that a lot of editors are looking for the younger people (look at the attention Eragon got). 

The current novel, mentioned above, doesn't really fit any genre.  If anybody can help me on that...?  But anyways, it's the story of... well, it's just easier if I use names.  Mary and Jesse have a young daughter named Hannah, and they are on good terms with Mary's sister Bridget, and her partner April.  Mary and Bridget's parents live a little ways away and highly disapprove of Bridget's style of living, but have never openly said anything.  So when Mary and Jesse die in a sudden car crash, little Hannah goes to live with Bridget and April.  The grandparents contest this, and that's where the plot kicks up.  It's told from Bridget's PoV, and it mostly focuses on the emotions of the family that is being torn apart.  Everything sort of goes downhill for Bridget... her parents are forcing her into a long, public court battle, her sister is dead, Hannah has, of course, been taked into government care  until her final home is decided, and to top it off, she and April are beginning to fight. 

Whew.  Either I'm just bad at summaries, or this really is hard to summarize.  Well, I could just say that it's about a custody battle, but that's not even the main focus... really.  Maybe.  I don't know.  I'm going to go study Biology and stop thinking about this.


Offline Opalescence

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2006, 12:34:58 AM »
I write.

And not just board posts, either.

Okay, so I'm not published. Yet, I say! I have illusions--delusions, whatever--that someday that will change.

I'm part of a writing group over at Kelly Armstrong's forum. They've helped me a lot. When I'm there, I don't have to worry about passing this writing disease on to anyone else. They have it already.

I guess you guys have it too?

*sighs in relief*

Once again, I am not alone.

Not that a writer is ever alone. Pesky characters won't stay quiet. It's like haveing five TVs on.

Or is that just me?

Factoids about moi;

Name: Andrea Miccaver (at least that's the one I'll admit to. *wink*)

Writing History: Started in third grade. My mom cried so I stopped for a while. When I got old enough to figure moms cry even when all is well in the world (like during milk comercials) I started writing again. Went through a dark period where things got really bleak. I'm talking all alone during a storm in a lighthouse that won't friggen work bleak. Took up writing again to keep me sane. Now can't stop.

Reason for Writing: The sound of a clicking keyboard is the best salve for any wound.

Novels written: 2

Novels that will be written by end of year: 4 (If NaNoWriMO works)

Novels in progress: *takes off shoes* This could take a while.

Novels in head: Hah! Like they ever pause long enough for me to count.

Other info needed: Don't be insulted by what I write. I have a really bad filter. *makes note* get filter changed--by an expert this time.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 12:45:48 AM by Opalescence »
Humanity needs a backup copy.

Why, hello Mars . . .

Offline terioncalling

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2006, 01:13:56 AM »
Been writing stuff for as long as I can remember.  Or just thinking stuff up in my head with stuffed animals or various other toys as the characters.

Currently I've got various and assundry original stories in production.  Some in perpetual production and that I don't know if I'll ever complete.

The main thing I'm working on right now is a world I've created called Medi Varnl.  Basic fantasy style world with my own type creatures and races (some dragons too) and a history full of magic and betrayals.  There's two stories currently in production within this world (they also tie in with each other a ways in) and 5 that I'm going to start working on after I get those completed (3 are history and the other 2 will branch off the stories I'm currently working on).

Another story I'm working on is a werewolf story - which is a continuation of a short story I wrote for my junior college creative writing class.

That's the two things I've worked on a lot in the recent past.  Everything else original of mine that I've got...well, I don't know when it'll be worked on again.  If ever.

And maybe - HOPEFULLY - someday I'll get my stories published.
"If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you." - Henry Rollins

Offline fjeastman

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2006, 04:55:09 AM »
The "On-Line Writers' Groups" thread sparked something, so I decided it was better put here. 

When I was in high school I wanted to be "a writer".  From when I was about eleven on I read voraciously.  My folks had moved from southern Wisconsin (about an hour or so from Chicago, a place that was even then turning into a Chicago suburb) to nowheresville Lower Alabama.  I had alot of transplant anxiety, so I went to the library ... started with Sci_fi ... read EVERYTHING they had (everything ... seriously ... all of it) and was forced over into fantasy.  (I also read all of that and moved over into old pulps and hardboiled crime fiction, later).  My favorite author became David Eddings, and for YEARS I would read all of his fantasy series over the summer, start to finish, chronological order ... sort of a bizarre ritual. 

At some point in there I decided:  "This rocks, I'm going to be a writer like David Eddings."  I was probably thirteen.  So I wrote.  Short fiction, long fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, poetry.  My teachers (because that's what teachers DO) encouraged my writing ... my folks encouraged my writing ... my mother still has boxes filled with my notebooks from that period.  My teachers suggested I enter various local contests for short fiction and poetry, which I did well in, so all the way into early college that was my thing.  I won local and regional fiction contests by the boatload (my mother still has all of the plaques and trophies ... that's what mothers do).  I figured I was "hot stuff". 

About 8 years ago (I was 18, early acceptance and a year into college) I decided it was "time" to write that fantasy novel ... which would sell and net me a deal for the other four parts in a five part epic and propel me, not into the realm of Stephen King, but into a comfortable life writing similar five-part epics with a strong fan base and the easy freedom of "doing what I loved". 

I started doing alot of research into "the industry", and publishing, and reading about authors and reading the writing authors did about writing ... I've always been a research nut ... more and more the reading in the industry suggested things were getting tight.  New authors were always submitting manuscripts, there were too many young authors to publish them all, but because nobody knows where the next break-out hit would come from it was reasonably easy to get a first book deal ... impossible to get a second.  Mid-list authors were feeling the pinch ... why buy a fourth book by Joe Midlist for 4th-book advances when you can get two or three fresh new writers for that price and maybe get the next LKH in the deal?  Like trading cards. 

"But," I figured, "If I'm the next Stephen King, then it won't matter, right?  I can write a break-out run-away hit.  Right?  That wasn't the plan, but I'm adaptable, I'll just write a best seller."

At the time, where I was, reading what I was reading, the "new" and "big" thing seemed to be online critique groups.  Like traditional writer's groups, but without all the hassle of having to, y'know, live near any freakin' writers.  Remember, I'm in nowheresville.  The only other local guy calling himself a writer is a year younger than me (and today he sells used cars.  I know, I saw him a week ago.)  So I joined an online critique group.  It was the best I could find, had very strict rules about critique and required X critiques before story submission, etc etc.  So I joined up.

I wrote, I think, the first two chapters to a planned fantasy novel as part of the group.  It sucked.  Alot.  It's something I think I could do again, as far as concept goes (sort of a Dutch Mercantilist setting with a fat Bilbo-esque merchant protagonist).  I'd done a lot of historical research prior to starting, including Dutch naming conventions.  I put some forethought and work into character names.

A few people pretty harshly ripped on ... my character names.  I think, today, it was a pretty odd thing to be critical of ... and, remembering my style back then, they could have done some critiques of obscure vocabulary and purple prose ... but for whatever reason it totally deflated my bubble.  I walked in having done my reading ... I was going to be thick of skin and quick of wit, taking lumps and learning "craft" ... but one person said the lead's name sounded like an expensive shampoo and I was GONE.

I think, mostly, it was that I'd done specific research on a subject in order not to sound silly doing it ... and then got called "silly".  Also all of the industry reading basically said:  "You're doomed!  Unless you write a runaway Best Seller as your first book, and get a great agent, and don't sign a bad contract, you'll sell one book and be blacklisted for life if it isn't an instant hit!"  That may not have been what was actually being said, but that was my impression.  I figured if I can't even get past "Name The Character", I wasn't going to write a best sller and would be doomed instantly to career crash-landing.

So I decided that week that I was going to shelve my writing "career".  I figured I should do some living and learning, get educated, practice in other ways, get a degree in English (two of them!).  I decided I wasn't going to go for the Creative Writing major, but I took some courses ... that was GREAT for my craft.  Both the classes and not making it my career choice.  Where I was, all of the writing classes concentrated on contemporary literary fiction ... and I wanted to write fantasy.  The teachers were all mid-list or low-list contemporary literature authors whose "day job" was teaching mid-list literary fiction to college kids.  They had TONS to teach me about craft ... but most of them also looked down their nose at people who didn't write contemporary literature. 

So I wrote contemporary literature.  Just excercises, mostly.  Vignettes.  Shorts and short stories.  We focused on prose and the dramatic/tragic contemporary literary plotline.  I saw why some teachers outright refused to work on fantasy/sci-fi when I got into a class that didn't, outright, refuse to work on fantasy or sci-fi.  Then I stopped writing fiction entirely until recently.

Various things led to my picking it back up.  The desire had been growing for a long while.  My wife came across some of my old writings and encouraged me to write again.  Butcher's series was something that I'd been wanting to read, but nobody had written.  That it sold said that maybe what I liked wasn't entirely outside of what the market desired.  I read up on the industry some more, this time things suggested it wasn't as gloomy as I'd thought. 

My WIP is a little hardboiled crime, a little mystery, a little supernatural.  Set in Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding area, with some focus on Muscogee, Cherokee and Navajo mythologies.

Just a minute ago, for practice, I put together the plot in a story skeleton (which is a little more action-oriented than the question we used in our classes):

"When a young woman disrupts his life and then disappears, a man with no memory tries to track her down.  Will he succeed where a black cult, organized crime, old gods, and his own past want him to fail?"

It may end up being garbage.  I believe now, where I didn't before, that I CAN write fiction that will sell ... it may not be a break-out run-away best seller, but if the prose is solid and the story is exciting ... it'll get picked up.  Maybe not this book, but perhaps the next, or the one after that will be where I reach the point. 

Then, after that, it's just a matter of continuing to write solid, exciting fiction that people enjoy reading.


Offline LoVeBoOkS

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2006, 03:01:24 AM »

"When a young woman disrupts his life and then disappears, a man with no memory tries to track her down.  Will he succeed where a black cult, organized crime, old gods, and his own past want him to fail?"

It may end up being garbage.  I believe now, where I didn't before, that I CAN write fiction that will sell ... it may not be a break-out run-away best seller, but if the prose is solid and the story is exciting ... it'll get picked up.  Maybe not this book, but perhaps the next, or the one after that will be where I reach the point. 

Then, after that, it's just a matter of continuing to write solid, exciting fiction that people enjoy reading.


That part that you put in quotes was brilliant. I'm interested in hearing something about that.

My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. When things get strange, when what goes bump in the night flicks on the lights, when no one else can help you, give me a call.

I'm in the book.

Offline storytellersjem

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2006, 03:44:13 AM »
Just call me SJEM.  Those are my initials.  :)

I'm on leave from work for a few years and I am working on a mega fantasy novel in the spirit of George R.R. Martin as well as a much smaller children's fantasy book.

I'm based in the Bay Area, male, thirty something and very appreciative of mythology, archetypes of fairy tales.



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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2006, 03:12:58 AM »
Hi, my name's Paul and I'm not an aspiring procrastinator -- I've mastered that trade. I'm not sure if I should be writing childrens books because my writing is quite unpolished and reads as though it's written by a young writer even though I'm in my 30's. Growing up I always wanted to be a comic book writer/artist, the artist half wasn't good enough for the industry, so I consintrated mostly on poetry. I don't have a lot of them in the span of 12 years (maybe around 150) but a lot of them are conceptual in nature that could be fleshed out into prose if I just jumped in to give it a shot. I'm still a little apprenhensive, the last story I wrote was from the perspective of an orange.
One foot by the dark tide;
Third eye to the light
I'm seeing everything you thought
Could never be real.

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2006, 03:21:57 AM »
My name is Clifford, yeah make with the dog jokes, and I have been attempting to write since I was in seventh grade. Currently, I am working three ideas, and they are just that ideas.

The first one deals with a world where many of the creatures of myth are real, but they hide themselves amoungst humanity, original, I know. The main characters are a husband and wife team who enforce the laws of this hidden society. He is a wizard and she is a Naga, the mythical creature, not the tribe from Southern India.

The second one deals with a small Midwestern town, and a large house that sets on the outskirts. The house and and the land it sits upon exist on more then one world, and if you walk through the woods on the property, you might also find yourself traveling in backwards or forwards in time.

The third one grew out fo the fact that I have never come across a ganster novel mixed with magic. This one takes place on a parallel earth that just happens to be much larger the our own. The main character is really a place, its a neighborhood in a large city, and a nightclub run by a group of people who are not what they play at being.
Clarke's Third Law: Sufficently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Niven's Converse to Clarke's 3rd Law: Sufficently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2006, 01:25:03 AM »
My name is Corina Noble and I am a werewolf, no really, ohh ok I'm a writer. But I would play one on tv if... Naw just joking. I have written stuff ever since I was in Junior High. I've always had stories running through my head. I am glad to see that so many different people have the same symptoms as I do. I can't wait to play pretend with you guys.

Oh I guess I forgot to mention my stuff, the story I'm working on is kinda like Sopranos meet Mansfield Park. But in a galaxy far far away lol. I’m still thinking on it got half of it written down. The other half is still spinning in my head.

Another story playing in my head is about Vampires, werepeople, and their idea of police. Starting off with a 12 step program for werewolves and eating humans.

Another, one with dragons...

« Last Edit: October 31, 2006, 01:31:56 AM by Corina »

See my family website if you want to see pics of my little angels. Its in my profile.

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2006, 06:39:31 AM »
I suppose I should toss in my two cents.....

My name's Craig, and I've been writing for nearly 35 years, on and off. The usual sort of stuff -- a Star Wars Novel that didn't go too far, same with a fantasy novel. It wasn't until I bought a computer that I found that I was actually finishing stories.

I got involved in Fanfiction back in the early 90's. Mostly in the anime field, several long stories that have received a favorable responce from people. Back in the early 90's, I had a story I co-wrote published in Battletechnology, an offical magazine devoted to the Battletech gaming universe. In addition, I did submit to the approprate publishers, a Doctopr Who and two Stargate novels (All three rejected, of course)

I have finally decided to start trying my hand at original fiction. Top priority is the first in what I hope will be a series of novels. the first one, called Merlin's Legacy, is about a nomal guy who suddenly finds that he is the direct decendent of the wizard Merlin. Now, with the help of a talking cat, a smart-ass dragon, and a magic-based AI, he has to solve the murder of the previous holder of the title, prevent a demon invasion, and try to keep himself from making an idiot of himself in front of the girl of his dreams. Well, two out of three isn't bad. . . . ;D

Author of 25+ stories for, the official website for Battletech canon stories.
Co-author of "Outcasts Ops: African Firestorm," "Outcast Ops: Red Ice," & "Outcast Ops: Watchlist"

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2006, 02:14:40 AM »
Many years ago it I decided that I wanted to be a writer.  And I tried pretty hard for a couple of years.  Just some stores and an article or two.  I got lots of rejection letters which I still have.  The best was one that an editor actually took the time to hand write some notes and suggestions on the back.  Trust me folks this is encouraging.
I got lucky a couple of times for some very small pieces.  A short article for a small newsletter (I actually got paid for it!) and some little humor bits for a novelty company.  So in that sense, I guess you could say I got "published". But day job and life got in the way and all that fell to the side.
I jumped on to the blogging bandwagon for a chance to write whatever, whenever I wanted.  I've being doing that for a couple years now.
Last year, a friend of mine mentioned NaNoWriMo and well I got interested. Also over this past year, I've been lucky enough to hear quite few good writers speak (including Jim).  I decided to get back into the biz.  My first test is to complete this years NaNoWriMo.  If I can do that I know I'm ready to rehone those skills and start banging on the old keyboard again.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 02:17:26 AM by Grogtard »
Just because I haven't posted recently, doesn't mean I haven't been on the forum.

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2006, 04:37:34 PM »
I wrote my first short story when I was 5, since then I have started several...and finished two. I've got a few solid ideas for novels/book series, but I'm not very diciplined. I plan to write professionally, since I really have no taste for anything else.
Some people are like slinkies. They're basically useless, yet you still can't help but smile as you shove them down the stairs.

Offline Jack_of_Names

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2006, 06:28:32 PM »
Hello, my name isn't Jack, nor anywhere close to being Jack, but that's what most people call me now... and you should never tell anyone your real name, right? ;)

I've been doing "fantasy" in my head for as long as I can remember, but only started butting finger-to-keyboard when I was maybe 12. My first effort, was, I admit, such utter garbage that the first time I read it thorugh I also deleted it. My second attempt, which actually had a title (*Pauses for gasp*) Was called Runeweaver, and the concept wasn't bad. But, unfortunatley, the Reading It Back To Myself fairy deleted it into submission.  I wrote a couple of starting chapters after that, well, I say  couple, but I mean probably quite alot, with titles such as Chronomancer, a book about an introvert who ws born 3000 years after he died.
In the last 9 months or so, I've gotten more serious (9/10 years after writing that dreadful thing I called a story when I was 12...) and currently have 4 major projects in the works, including NaNoWriMo, which I intend to flesh out just a tad when I'm done. I tend to think in fantasy, as I mentioned earlier, but what I seam to write most is a kind of parallel reality urban sci-fantasy. I don't quite know why.
My titles this year are:
Jack Avalon and the New Suit
Lost Tommorow
Blades Twilight
and for NaNoWriMo,
A Break in the Mists.

I seem to have a problem making my characters into Supermen, far to tough to make a decent story, but I'm working on that by letting them get beat up in my head before I write.

Although my writing has deffinatley come on since I was 12 (I sould hope so too!), and I'm actually at the point where I can read my own work, and not immediatley delete it, I still tend to just set off writing with little or no idea where I'm going, letting my fingers do the thinking, which is why somtimes I really have to think, "Why did he just DO that??" when looking at my characters.

And again, although I've improved, I still believe my best description of a story ever came early on, in a story called "To What The Hell, And Back." when I was maybe 14. This was that description.

James DeNicé has gone to hell and he dressed for the heat. But Hell has frozen over and things are starting to slip down there. Only James and his unique brand of running away and hiding can possibly return hell to its former glory...But does he really want to?
I just love it :D

Anyway, thats me, I'd really like to be an auther, but I get distracted easily (Less so these days, gladly!) and I still consider mys work a little... well, "crap", to be published quite yet, but if you ever spot an auther on the shelves called Nathan Paige, I hope that'll be me  ;)

Jack out.

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Re: Author In Progress
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2006, 07:30:45 PM »
Hello everyone.  My name is Jim, and like everyone else here, I'm an aspiring writer too.  I've been writing off and on, mostly on for the past 3 or 4 years, for the past 25 years.  Fantasy was my first love as far as writing went, and I have the rough on the first book in a trilogy, the epic sort with a fairly large cast of characters being drawn together to avert a war that occurs every millenia thanks to a goddess who has a panic attack anytime a culture gets advanced enough to threaten the belief system.

Currently I am editing a paranormal suspense involving a troubled fbi agent who gets caught in the middle between two vampires, one who is exacting a century long scheme of vengeance upon the other. I am editing like mad at the moment because I have an agent who wishes me to send the whole ms to him.