Thanks Sameth. And now, without further ado, a butt load of pictures.

Jim and I.

my brother David, my mom Laura and Jim. According to Dave, Jim looks like Geddy Lee from Rush.

Down the length of the table at dinner. I just want to warn you all that they're all blurry because I wasn't using my flash because I didn't want to intrude or make anyone awkward.

Okay, so this is on the way home from the con but the story is just so awesome I've got to share. In Italy, Texas there's this geodosic dome community (the catepillar) with the "starship pegasus" off to the side. I wanted to take pictures so we pulled over. Mom, Dave and I all got out. Well, it went from taking pictures to "hey david why don't you climb up it?" That was my mom's idea, btw. So he did! This pic is me and mom running around and taking pictures before we all get in trouble. When it came time to get down, my mom suggested jumping off the top of the doorway cause it looked like it was only 6 feet. Well, it was more than that and my brother's ankle is still sore-he strained it. Personally, I would have slid down the side but we live and learn. So awesome though.