All I really have to say at this point is that if someone wishes to meet me on Saturday (the day I will be going. Probably not Friday or Sunday) then you only have to hunt me down. There are pics of me here (couple of pages back) and I will probably be wearing a Boba Fett shirt. Since I've only been to anime conventions, I'm hesitant to wear a costume to a non-anime convention. I's not any big deal, it's just a bit of paranoia on my part. Um...if it's cold enough, I'll probably be wearing a gray hoodie.
And if you happen to see me and want to meet me (though I can't possibly understand why...

) my real name is Micah (pronounced my-cuh) or you can call me Sameth. I may not answer to that, though. After's just a screen name.
I am looking forward to meeting forum members just as much as meeting Jim and going to the different panels. I will be partially disappointed if I don't run into at least SOMEONE!
(Side note: if you happen to run into me and I have a confused look on my face, just say you're from the forum and your screen name. I'm horrible with names and I'll assume I met you somewhere else and feel like a bastard for not remembering you.)