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  • ConDFW 2009: February 20, 2009 - February 22, 2009

Author Topic: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009  (Read 125967 times)

Offline Spectacular Sameth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #135 on: February 15, 2009, 01:47:53 AM »
Don't be so tragic, man. Think of it as going to a bar to see your favorite band - there's a cover charge AND a drink minimum on top of the show ticket in many bars. I know I went to a number of shows that way and drank the nastiest, cheapest beer I could because my finances were tight... but it was worth it. Did that to see Warren Zevon in a little club; I was about ten feet away from the dude. Worth every penny, despite the fact that I quite literally missed meals over the following week-plus.

You just have to ask yourself if it's worth it to you. Who knows? You might even have fun at the con itself!

The difference being that at least you got a show. The way I imagine it is that I stand in line to get a day pass. Pay $20, go to the signing, wait in another line. Get to talk to Jim for about a second before I'm ushered away. So at least in your situation, you got to hear them play. (Am I right?)

So basically I get to pay $20 to stand in two lines, plus annoy my parents to take me to Richardson (since I don't have a car) for an autograph and maybe a second of talking to Jim? As much as I like his writing, I can't honestly say it's worth it. And if they have to cancel for some unforeseen reason? Well, I guess I'm screwed. Chances are that they wouldn't give me a refund because there were be other things to do there, sure, but then to me the $20 and time would be wasted. (I am a bit of a pessimist, but I see this as a way of being realistic.)

I wouldn't mind going to the convention, but I'm not sure I would have time for it. Besides, there's not really much there that I'm interested in. I've heard of two or three other authors off that list and have read none of them. I don't relish the thought of paying the money for this, but if I could go and hang out with some of the board members before or after meeting Jim, it would be a little more worth it.

If I could be assured that Jim is going to come back for another signing (like say somewhere that doesn't cost any money...don't the bookstores let you get a signature for free?) then I would just skip this, but in the past, I've seen author's itinerary for tours and most don't say Texas on them and even when they do, they're usually in Houston. So, yeah...I am a bit upset about it.

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #136 on: February 15, 2009, 01:52:48 AM »
Dude, have you ever been to a con?  There's stuff to do.  Even if you don't know the folks there, the discussions are always interesting, just find a conference room with folks sitting at one end and enjoy yourself.  There's also usually music, and various other distractions.

Thing is, most of the stuff Jim will be at will be either sponsored by the con, or held in conjunction with it.  There are parties in the evening, but generally the folks throwing them will want their gusts to be con attendees or con guests, since that's the reason for the party.
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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #137 on: February 15, 2009, 02:02:58 AM »
I just want to get his autograph and to talk to him for a couple of seconds. I don't want to spend $20 on that, though. All I asked was if the autograph session cost any money. Yeesh.

I've been to conventions, but the difference between this convention and others is that there's not a whole lot of things that they are doing that I'm all that interested in. With the anime conventions I went to, there was anime shows to watch, the dealer room had all kinds of anime posters, figures, and so I liked looking at, and so. This one has a whole lot of things that I basically haven't heard of. I know you're probably sitting there saying, "Well, now is the time to learn," but if I'm going to do that, I'd rather not spend money on that.

Offline The Dread Pharaoh Roberts

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #138 on: February 15, 2009, 02:09:32 AM »
I just want to get his autograph and to talk to him for a couple of seconds. I don't want to spend $20 on that, though. All I asked was if the autograph session cost any money. Yeesh.

No, you asked if you could come into the con without paying, and still get autographs from one of the headline guests.

Still...sorry it doesn't sound like fun to you.  I think you're approaching the whole thing from a pessimist's standpoint, though, so anything you're told that doesn't square with what you want to hear is just gonna annoy you.
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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #139 on: February 15, 2009, 02:17:11 AM »
No. I'm sorry. I got frustrated because I didn't think my ride up there was going to have time to get me up there and was hoping that I could just get it and go.

But I talked it over with my ride. It's doable and I'm happy. Not too excited about the convention itself, but I guess I will make do.

I'm definitely going Saturday. Sunday is a bit tentative. Anyone wanna meet?

(In my defense, you could walk in certain parts of the Anime convention without a badge/ticket. You needed it for the panels, the video room, the game room, and the vendor room. So it was fairly open to non-paying members. There were autograph sessions that were in these open areas and I couldn't remember if they checked your badge. THAT was what I was asking about.)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 02:20:36 AM by Spectacular Sameth »

Offline The Dread Pharaoh Roberts

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #140 on: February 15, 2009, 02:24:37 AM »
Ah, ok.  The con won't be keeping people from walking through the halls of the hotel.  I'm not sure where they'll have the autograph tables, but I wouldn't be surprised if badges were checked.  After all, it's a major draw for the con.  But do attend some panel discussions and other programming while you're there.  It'll be fun.
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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #141 on: February 15, 2009, 02:29:32 AM »
Well, yeah...I will considering I'll be paying $20-35 for it.  ;)

And like I said, I'd like to meet some of the boardies there. I'll have to wear a sign or something that says I'm from the forum. (Though at A-kon, they banned signs.)

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #142 on: February 15, 2009, 02:39:32 AM »
I just want to get his autograph and to talk to him for a couple of seconds. I don't want to spend $20 on that, though. All I asked was if the autograph session cost any money. Yeesh.

I've been to conventions, but the difference between this convention and others is that there's not a whole lot of things that they are doing that I'm all that interested in. With the anime conventions I went to, there was anime shows to watch, the dealer room had all kinds of anime posters, figures, and so I liked looking at, and so. This one has a whole lot of things that I basically haven't heard of. I know you're probably sitting there saying, "Well, now is the time to learn," but if I'm going to do that, I'd rather not spend money on that.

I've never been to a Con but I'm going to this one. Jim Butcher and David Weber are a couple of my favorite authors. If you want something Free Sameth check out Baen books website with dozens of free older books such as At Basilisk Station or In Death Ground or Off Armageddon Reef. See if you like David Weber. The whole Con thing seems to me to meet the authors but more to meet and have fun and exchange ideas with people who like the same books as you. You might make a few friends or get a new insight into the story or share your theories.

Offline The Dread Pharaoh Roberts

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #143 on: February 15, 2009, 02:51:39 AM »
A lot of folks at the con "meet" the authors, but not personally - that's what the panel discussions and such are geared toward.  Jim, however, is one of those guests who goes out of his way to make people feel like they've gotten their fair share of his attention, though.  He's very gracious about it.
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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #144 on: February 15, 2009, 02:56:50 AM »
I've never been to a Con but I'm going to this one. Jim Butcher and David Weber are a couple of my favorite authors. If you want something Free Sameth check out Baen books website with dozens of free older books such as At Basilisk Station or In Death Ground or Off Armageddon Reef. See if you like David Weber. The whole Con thing seems to me to meet the authors but more to meet and have fun and exchange ideas with people who like the same books as you. You might make a few friends or get a new insight into the story or share your theories.
Eh. Save your breath. I'm going.

I've heard of David Weber, but frankly, I've got about 50 books sitting on my shelf that need my attention. That's why I'm not taking requests right now.

A lot of folks at the con "meet" the authors, but not personally - that's what the panel discussions and such are geared toward.  Jim, however, is one of those guests who goes out of his way to make people feel like they've gotten their fair share of his attention, though.  He's very gracious about it.

I certainly hope so! I've spoken briefly with him on the boards and he seems pretty nice.

Offline Spectacular Sameth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #145 on: February 15, 2009, 03:14:59 AM »
Priscillie (sorry, can't spell your screen name) and Mickey...I plan on meeting you two on Saturday. I feel I have extra privileges over your fans because I post here.

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #146 on: February 15, 2009, 04:49:00 AM »
Even if you just hear Jim talk on a panel, it'll be worth the price of admission. Dude's fun.

Don't count on being able to meet Priscellie and Mickey - busy panelists (especially ones who are involved not just in their own panels) are often busier than the GoHs.
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Offline Spectacular Sameth

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #147 on: February 15, 2009, 04:55:16 AM »
Oh well. I'm sure there are other boardies I can meet.

Sometimes at A-kon, you can go up to the panelists when they're done and chat for a bit if they're not busy. I may try and do that with Jim.

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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #148 on: February 15, 2009, 05:11:19 AM »
And if Jim's not exhausted and/or being hurried off to another event, he's the sort of guy who WOULD talk with you. Nice guy. But don't be surprised if he's not able to do it, as he's likely to be tired from the traveling and the constant busy-ness of being a guest at a big con.
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Re: ConDFW in Richardson, TX: Feb 20-22, 2009
« Reply #149 on: February 15, 2009, 06:29:36 AM »
Priscillie (sorry, can't spell your screen name) and Mickey...I plan on meeting you two on Saturday. I feel I have extra privileges over your fans because I post here.

*blinks*  You insult us (and Jim, for that matter) by reiterating over and over that our panels don't sound interesting, then you claim some kind of entitlement over our time and attention because you post here?  You're not winning points, Sameth.

Mickey and I have worked our way to a certain level of prominence and access in the fandom, but ultimately, we're still just fans.  And like any other fans, we're going to want to spend our free time with our friends and try to make new ones, and if possible, do a bit of elbow-rubbing with The Greats.  Our time is not for sale to the highest bidder.  We have no obligation to anyone at the con, save those we've taken on ourselves by volunteering to be panelists.  I want to meet more of Jim's fans, because Jim's fans tend to be a freaking awesome bunch of people, but no one has the right to put him or herself on my priority list.