Author Topic: Spirit of the Season Mystic Magic  (Read 11182 times)

Offline R00kie

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Spirit of the Season Mystic Magic
« on: March 06, 2008, 07:00:40 AM »
For those of us who would like to get our players used to the FATE rules, but aren't lucky enough to be in the Dresden Alpha, the new version of Spirit of the Season has magic rules which could viably be used for a Dresden type campaign, as a stop gap until we get the real Dresden rules.

On page 35 we get the new rules for Mystic Spellcraft. Mystic Rites covers thaumaturgy type magic rather well.  For a Wizard you would then probably have to add a few Rite of X powers. Perhaps Rite of Evocation to cover guns, and Rite of Protection (page 36).

Rite of the Ethereals would probably need to be renamed something like Rite of Veils. Other Rites could well be used to customise the Wizard and what they are good at, but I'd probably do that through an aspect or two.

You could point out that this makes evocation no better or no worse than a gun. Well thats the nature of SOTC. When you remember that a police marksman probably has a guns of average, fair or good, whilst the PC Wizard may well have a Mysteries of Great or Superb it actually makes a pretty good fit.

There are obviously no rules for blasting rods, foci etc. You could handle it with a bit of hand waving or just claim any Rite of X power requires a foci (Blasting Rod for Evocation, Shield Bracelet for Protection, etc.) and if they dont have it they have to use the Mystic Rites rules.

These rules aren't going to be a patch on proper dedicated Dresden rules, but as a stop gap measure for those would would like to play Dresden using a FATE based rules set...