Author Topic: New SotC online SRD  (Read 11156 times)

Offline prophet224

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New SotC online SRD
« on: July 07, 2008, 08:43:04 PM »
Hello all,
This is mostly done, barring some formatting and links.  Skills aren't linked correctly, but you can access them from the top of the skills page (or the "Endurance" skill, which does work).

It's only up as long as I'm not told to take it down.

On that note, I'm very glad this (the SRD in general) exists.  I just happen to kind of actively dislike pulp... it's nice to be able to get a look at the system that will be used (sort of) for Dresden.

 a.k.a "Prophet"
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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 10:06:41 PM »
Good job.  Even if you don't like pulp, you might want to check out SOTC proper; while we call it pulp, it's as much simply "action movie" as anything.
Fred Hicks
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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 11:14:54 PM »
Good job.  Even if you don't like pulp, you might want to check out SOTC proper; while we call it pulp, it's as much simply "action movie" as anything.

Indeed?  That may very well change my view considerably! :)
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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 11:27:15 PM »
Indeed?  That may very well change my view considerably! :)

That's to say, the game is almost zero setting, so you can really easily do, say, Star Wars (space pulp, at least by some lights), or whatever with it, so long as the action is high and the disbelief is suspended. :)
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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 12:30:12 PM »
oddly enough when I was reading through I kept thinking it sounded like a great opportunity to start that Steampunk setting I'd been wanting to do with my local group

Offline prophet224

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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2008, 08:10:36 PM »
Well, there's one more purchase.  I'm really curious to read through this... even more so now, not just for rules. :)

As a side note, I have to say that I really like the book + pdf special.

I was looking around at the brick & mortars in the area (Wilmington, NC right now visiting family) and they hadn't heard of SotC.  I'm thinking this is unfortunate.  Several places up in Baltimore had.

Now if I can only get my gaming group to try something that's not D20 or WoD! :)  Anyway, thanks Iago!  Can't wait to look this over.
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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2008, 08:18:25 PM »
Thank you kindly for the buy. :)
Fred Hicks
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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2008, 01:42:54 AM »
As a side note, I have to say that I really like the book + pdf special.

I was looking around at the brick & mortars in the area (Wilmington, NC right now visiting family) and they hadn't heard of SotC.  I'm thinking this is unfortunate.  Several places up in Baltimore had.

Now if I can only get my gaming group to try something that's not D20 or WoD! :)  Anyway, thanks Iago!  Can't wait to look this over.

The book + PDF special was what finally convinced me to pick SotC up. I got to have the thing right away and get a hardcopy to bring to sessions.

The folks my my LGS have only heard of SotC (or FATE, for that matter) because of me. They hadn't even known that Dresden Files was going to get an RPG. Hell, I don't think they'd heard of FUDGE.

Anyway, good luck with getting your group to play. I'm using a hacked version for my Exalted game, and I have to say that it runs really well. It's incredibly fast. Aspects are absolutely the bomb. The fate point economy is a really interesting mini-game.

I would suggest shortening the stress tracks to a base of 3 and using the 2/4/6 consequences rule. Those being as follows: If your stress track goes over, you're taken out. You can reduce the amount of stress any attack inflicts by taking a consequence. You reduce it by 2 for a minor consequence, 4 for moderate, 6 for severe. You can only have one of each. You're taken out when you have all three consequences and you take enough stress to go over your limit.

Oh, and the revised minion rules are here:

Offline prophet224

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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2008, 05:52:28 PM »
Hey Mouse, thank you for that link!  I didn't realize that wiki site was there, and it's got a lot of good stuff there.

I haven't seen minions in the SotC yet, I'm still tuning my brain in to the system.  For some reason I thought that the 2/4/6 thing was part of the core system anyway.  I do like the 2/4/6 and the weapons variations that I've seen.  I really can't justify to myself having a pocket knife do the same damage as, I don't know, a 12-guage, for instance.

I also really like Fred's (I think) modified skill ladder, with the ladder being skill slots.  That makes a lot of sense to me (though it is definitely more complex) and models growth and advancement better.

Anyway, thanks again, Mouse!
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Re: New SotC online SRD
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2008, 07:09:58 PM »
The 2/4/6 consequences deal isn't in SotC, but it's apparently going to be in DF RPG. The Evil Hat folks seem to have become enamored of it.

The minion rules are to replace the various things in the book which give you someone as an ally, whether it be your drinking buddy Bob or your sidekick. Each Stunt which gave you a minion has its own little sub-system. The minion rules give you one system which works with all of them.

All weapons being equal is part of SotC being a pulp game. It makes the guy who punches Nazis as effective as the guy who shoots Nazis, assuming the same level of expertise. It fits for some genres, but it doesn't seem appropriate for DF; someone punching you just isn't as dangerous as someone shooting you (except for supernaturally strong people punching you, of course).

Anyway, you're welcome. I'm a big FATE fanboy, so I like spreading the love.