Author Topic: Ars Magica Troop style play in Dresden  (Read 11230 times)

Offline R00kie

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Ars Magica Troop style play in Dresden
« on: March 07, 2008, 10:11:01 PM »
I was wondering whether Ars Magica Troop style play would suit a Dresden campaign centred around the White Council.

By ensuring every player has atleast two characters, one of whom is a Wizard you all have characters to play at council meeting, but much of the campaign could center around the troubles that individual wizards manage to get into.

Occasionally stories might involve a couple of Wizards or more, but most of the time stories could revolve around individual wizards. Its not too hard to Imagine that Ebenezar McCoy and "Billy" Borden might both be characters belonging to the same player - after all they never meet. If the GM felt a particular adventure might suit a more than one Wizard he could even suggest it up front.

In fact if we were trying to get as close as possible to the Ars Magica model each player would generate a Wizard, a supernatural character and a mundain (non-supernatural) character, but I think two characters would probably work a lot better for Dresden.

Taking this one step further you could quite easily swap GMs regularly, take turns in as GM - but then run some council meetings entirely GMless using the zero-sum Fate Hack from Spirit of the Far Future to cover any fate point use. That way everyone gets to benefit from those Council meetings. Of course unless you have opposing motives within the group those meetings might get a little boring. I wouldn't suggest doing this for any council issues where all the characters saw eye to eye, but if there were opposing views, or character aspects which were likely to lead to opposing views it might work really well

Offline elmago79

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Re: Ars Magica Troop style play in Dresden
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2008, 08:23:51 AM »
I think you're on to something. I think this could be a great idea for a DFRPG campaign.

Offline Kimber L Rose

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Re: Ars Magica Troop style play in Dresden
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 12:19:49 AM »
If you get something together, definitely let me know how it goes.