Author Topic: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse  (Read 22641 times)

Offline Rechan

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Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« on: February 16, 2008, 10:12:37 PM »
So, since the RPG itself is long in coming, I thought that maybe we could just brainstorm in general about possible adventures.

Granted, many of ye olde adventures have some connection to the location you set your game, or your players, but some may purely be 'plug and play' type adventures.

I find that good inspiration for this could be old episodes of The X-Files, or Kolchek the Nighthunter. However, both of these assume a level of "Mundane trying to prove it's supernatural", so in the Dresdenverse, that isn't necessary.


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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 10:29:37 PM »
I'm kinda fixated the 30 and having a team hunt them down.

Offline Simon Hogwood

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2008, 02:02:09 AM »
Perhaps some sort of heist plot - the MacGuffin of Mystic Doom is being held by malicious and/or ignorant parties in a ridiculously overprotected location and the goal of the adventure is to (ahem) liberate it. Bonus points for gratuitous references to MINI's, casinos, and Freemasons.  ;)
Blogging his way through The Dresden Files (currently on hiatus).


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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2008, 03:46:07 AM »
I was thinking about moving it to a city closer to me... like Atlanta and using some of the history of the city.. like one of Marta lines has problems that might be related to ancestors of William Sherman.. or but that is just one idea

Offline WyldCard4

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2008, 01:26:09 PM »
Simple enough.

A young wizard is gathering to much power and influence, he is streching the councel to thin in constant raids, something needs to be done about him or we could lose the war.

The PCs are a group of agents of the White Councel who have the mission of stopping this guy.

That will be the first adventure to show that you can't just do what you want without consaquences.

Offline Rechan

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2008, 11:59:40 AM »
I definitely want to use something like the Trickster from Supernatural. A demi-god like entity with real powerful magic - all about altering reality to play tricks on people.

Offline didau

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2008, 03:38:41 PM »
The idea that the PCs be a group of (aprentice?) Wardens of the White Council makes sense - certainly an excuse for a wizards to hang out together.

Another excuse might be to have a group apprenticed to the same wizard (like Harry & Elaine)

However, PCs could also be part of Harry's "paranet" as alluded to in the sample chapters of 'Small Favour' - new, young, feeble magic users who have banded together for mutual protection.

Or, what about a group of half turned, Fellowship of St Giles types?

Or, changelings a la Lily, Fix et al in Summer Knight?

Or what about the Alphas as a template?

Personally, I like the paranet angle as overpowered PCs are kind of unimaginative to play - it could be fun to see them develop, come to the attention of the White Council etc.

Offline Meowsan

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 09:31:34 AM »
Hmm.. why don't we all play a trial through email or chat just for a tryout and for fun? and GMs take turns to showcase their adventures? So i guess the adventures should not be too long and overly complicated. that way the Reign of GM'ing could pass on to another with their stories.

if there're alot of pple that would sign up to play, we could have multiple small groups with 1 GM each...

we can also setup a blog on the adventures for pple to read and get inspired.

I'm sure there're some veterans or newbies alike out there that would love to play and try out the Dresdenverse but have no groups to play with and some GMs dying to tell some stories of their own too..

ps... playing a game is not really about the rules for it is just a guide..the enjoyment of the story telling and the participation in it is the Real fun of it.

Offline Rechan

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 08:02:56 PM »
Not sure how that would work, Meowsan. Sounds interesting but... :)

Another thought is playing with dreams. A creature or warlock invading the dreams of people ala Kreugar. This would of course also raise the issue of the Third Law of Magic, if people wanted to jump into the target's head to stop it/fight it.

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2008, 07:44:22 AM »
I definitely want to use something like the Trickster from Supernatural. A demi-god like entity with real powerful magic - all about altering reality to play tricks on people.

Sounds like the Fae courts to me...

I was thinking about moving it to a city closer to me... like Atlanta and using some of the history of the city.. like one of Marta lines has problems that might be related to ancestors of William Sherman.. or but that is just one idea

That would be unique in that, if you did a bunch of research and then let the players do the same in RL.  Truth really is stranger than fiction sometimes
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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2008, 01:24:24 AM »
I think that my group is going to put something together this weekend just using the Spirit of the Century rules.  This lets us have something in place if we get picked as testers. 

Without magic rules and stuff, I think we will just be making mostly normal characters. 

For the first few games, I will be running a plot revolving around a single black court vampire feeding off of homeless.  Here in Phoenix, we have a large, but dry river bottom that runs through the southern part of the city.  We often have homeless squatters that set up tents and cardboard homes.  There is also a long history of Native American buildings in the area.  So the plot will have a black court vampire discovering an unknown subterranean Native American structure with access to the river bottom.  Unexplained deaths will lead the heroes to investigate.  As soon as we have some characters, I’ll figure out how to get them involved after we get the characters together.

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2008, 08:07:58 AM »
I think that my group is going to put something together this weekend just using the Spirit of the Century rules.  This lets us have something in place if we get picked as testers. 

Without magic rules and stuff, I think we will just be making mostly normal characters. 

For the first few games, I will be running a plot revolving around a single black court vampire feeding off of homeless.  Here in Phoenix, we have a large, but dry river bottom that runs through the southern part of the city.  We often have homeless squatters that set up tents and cardboard homes.  There is also a long history of Native American buildings in the area.  So the plot will have a black court vampire discovering an unknown subterranean Native American structure with access to the river bottom.  Unexplained deaths will lead the heroes to investigate.  As soon as we have some characters, I’ll figure out how to get them involved after we get the characters together.

OOOO  OOOO  doesn't it rain really hard once or twice a year and get that dry river bottom pretty wet?  If you have the story start right before the rains come it might put more of a time crunch on the players...You know - solve the mystery and get the bad guy before the flash floods come and wash all the evidence out into the desert.   -  and keep in mind that would also ground out any magic - I think Black Vamps and running water are a bad combo as well - if the players time it just right they could use that against the vamps - or the GM could use it as a deux ex machina to save the players if they go too far...ect.

just a thought.
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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2008, 09:51:33 PM »
Good ideas!    Thanks!

Offline Rechan

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2008, 11:13:12 PM »
Sounds like the Fae courts to me...

I'm not sure how I would handle it, with fae though. While "Trickery" is the Fae domain, I'm thinking something more on par with Loki, Coyote, etc - very interested in Mortal affairs, or at least the affairs of individuals that they feel need to be "taught a lesson".

I do think that the best way to strip them of their magic, or make them vulnerable to actual death, is to trick them. Once the Trickster is made the Fool, his magic is null and void against those that trick him.

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Re: Brainstorming: Adventures in the Dresdenverse
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2008, 11:31:43 PM »
ok i understand that there is a paper copy kinda like dnd but will there be an online version or is there already, like the old mudd's or like doom or the other online games they have now that would be cool

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