Author Topic: Dresden Index??  (Read 11347 times)

Offline Fyrchick

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Dresden Index??
« on: February 10, 2008, 12:55:32 PM »
I was poking around, and searched a little, and this may already exixt, but:

Is it possible to create a thread or what have you that would make an index of topics?
No discussions, just topics and book/chapter. (including the comics as they are published).

Maybe by book and chapter rather than actual page# (to avoid the insane notation that would have to happen with all the different MM and HC editions..)
I know you can do seach on Amazon and all that, but
Obviously, we can't note every appearance of every character, but maybe say, significant descriptions of them, or reference to an event???

With all of the forum members, it might fill out fairly quickly....
 For example, I was wondering where St. Mary's of the Angels was, or how JB had described it...

St. Mary's:
   address:GP/3 (Grave Peril/chapter 3)
   description: GP/#
Cassandra's Tears GP/2
Father Forthill SF/1
Toad Demon SF/5

OR even things from the TV show.... Like Morgan's sword TV/2 (TV show, episode 2).

(I'm just guessing on the actual chapters #'s and episodes and stuff.)

Mostly as a resource on this a quick reference....
Then, if we ARE searching on the forum, you only have to type like "series index" and the topic rather than sort through all the threads.....

or am i just in need of more coffee?
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.