A concept popped into my head the other night about writing a story that was all action (not like car chases and gunfights, just stuff happening) and events with no backstory to muck up the flow. I will know backstory about the characters and events, but I won't fill the story with it.
I want it to be very in the moment and immediate. Initially I think it will have to be first person, and present tense to capture the immediacy that I'm trying to get across.
It's a scifi story about a small group of people that are imprisoned on a space ship and being put through these tests and procedures.
It will seem like a run of the mill abduction story, which is why I will need the present tense and immediacy to hold the reader until the end, where you find out what's really happening.
This isn't going to be more than a novella, and will probably be shorter than that even.
So, can this thing work? Will it be a pain to read? Are people too accustomed to backstory that this would be too jarring? I'm not starting this thing til I finish my novel but it's been in my head for a few days and I need to at least chat about it, or it's gonna eat a hole in my brain.
Thanks for input!