Author Topic: What characters would you like to see in Mortal Kombat  (Read 412 times)

Offline Cats_are_evil

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What characters would you like to see in Mortal Kombat
« on: December 11, 2024, 01:46:02 AM »
I know that this is a pipe dream but think it would be a fun thing to do.  The rules are that they have to be 1. A Dresden character 2. Must be alive. 3. 4 characters only.

1. Harry which goes without saying. Just seeing his intros would be hilarious and one of the fatalities needs to be an elevator falling on someone then a frozen turkey.

2. Erlking who is probably one of my favorite Farie characters. Mab would make more sense but there is already a lot of ice fighters.

3. Michael because he'd be a beast.

4. Gard because there are no norse fighters which is surprising.