Author Topic: Character Refresh and Stats?  (Read 1195 times)

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Character Refresh and Stats?
« on: September 16, 2024, 04:33:54 AM »
So I don't have any games running. Wish I did but it's hard to find people who have read the books and want to do the RPG in my area. If I were to do a game though. It would be Dresden Files Indiana Jones. Basically a dungeon crawl of ancient sites, tombs and civilisations.

Egypt obviously, but also.

Vatican Archives or British Museum.

Mummy's in Peru from a subfaction of the Red Court one of those elder gods they took over which could tie into the South American section of Paranet Papers.

Maybe some artifacts that escaped Hades Vault when Harry broke in.

The Terracotta Army.

The Hanging Gardens in Ancient Babylon.

A character has been bouncing around in my mind for years.

William Fitz The Dragon Knight

A sponsored night of Y Ddraig Goch. The Welsh Dragon. A greater Dragon scion who theirs various lore on and maybe was even a co sponsor of King Arthur.

Question is how would you Stat and Refresh such a character?

The Power Gamer in me wants to make him atleast Winter Knight level or maybe just below it. Fire and Earth instead of Air and Ice. Oh and instead of a staff he has a magic Cutlass.

I'd like to make him from an immortal or longevity species. White council probably wouldn't work cause in my head he was a Pirate in the early 1700s, Fought in the French and Indian Wars, Seven Years War, Revolution (Loyalist) French Revolution, Crimea, American Civil War, Frontier, Steampunk Victorian arc, WW1, Prohibition, WW2, Vietnam/Civil Rights Movement and early 9/11 response.

He wouldn't have risen farther than the rank of Captain. Colonel at most.

I have another idea of him having Seven Sons born throughout the 20th century but want to focus on this one primary character for now.

Maybe he's a scion himself of Y Ddraig Goch?

I've got other characters in mind as I said. A White Court Spymaster whose been around since the French Revolution and who helped orchestrate the downfall of the Black Court. Archenemy of The Dragon Knight perhaps but now forced to work together.

I'd like Jack Frost and Peter Pan as Princeling of Winter and Summer Courts to make an appearance. I have those characters more or less down though.

Anyway help refreshing or statting such a character would be appreciated.

Offline Taran

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2024, 01:57:14 PM »
What's the big theme/powers of YDraig?  That'll help with the Sponsored Magic.

High Concept: Emissary Knight of  Y Ddraig Goch

[-4] Sponsored Magic YDraig Goch
       Fire and Earth Spells as evocation
       Ritual Crafting (For enchanting your Cool Cutlass Instead of Item of Power)
       Fire and Earth Rituals at speed and methods of Evocation (for fire and Earth based Wards, Summonings etc..)
[-1] Marked by Power
[-2] Inhuman Recovery
[+1 or less depending on weakness] Cold Iron?  What is YDraig Goch's weakness?
[-2] Inhuman Strength

Immortality could be covered by an Aspect

Total: 8/10 Refresh*

*Drop Inhuman Strength to keep it under 8 refresh

Other Potential Powers:
 Item of power:  Sword
 Echoes of the Beast or Supernatural Senses
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 01:59:15 PM by Taran »

Offline Con

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2024, 02:40:29 PM »
Thanks I didn't think I'd get a response.

I like your stats I don't know what Y Ddraig Goch's weaknesses would be. Hmmm my first thoughts would be the opposit elements Fire and Water but I don't know how that would work. I'm not sure Iron works lore wise because he was a symbol of military conquest and leadership in British Isles who used Iron to do it.

I thought maybe Snorkelling from this RPG Resource wiki to increase the refresh but if you think it can be done with the 8 or 10 that might not be necessary.

Snorkeling (40 skill points, 13 refresh, skill cap superb) You're pretty damn powerful. Most cities don't have more than one or two guys at this level. I'm considering increasing the skill cap to fantastic for this level.

Offline Taran

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2024, 04:18:16 PM »
Thanks I didn't think I'd get a response.

I like your stats I don't know what Y Ddraig Goch's weaknesses would be. Hmmm my first thoughts would be the opposit elements Fire and Water but I don't know how that would work. I'm not sure Iron works lore wise because he was a symbol of military conquest and leadership in British Isles who used Iron to do it.

I thought maybe Snorkelling from this RPG Resource wiki to increase the refresh but if you think it can be done with the 8 or 10 that might not be necessary.

Snorkeling (40 skill points, 13 refresh, skill cap superb) You're pretty damn powerful. Most cities don't have more than one or two guys at this level. I'm considering increasing the skill cap to fantastic for this level.

Just add more Powers:  Toughness seems appropriate and so does higher Strength

If Military conquest is their thing, then maybe High Presence and Weapons.

Your catch could be something, maybe it doesn't work during times of Peace or on Neutral Ground.  I don't think you'd get much of a rebate there. 

Offline Con

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Re: Character Refresh and Stats?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2024, 04:06:33 AM »
Ooh I like the catch of not working during times of Peace. I've been searching for a reason he would be involved in each and every war.