Author Topic: New York Comic Con video  (Read 5820 times)

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Re: New York Comic Con video
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2023, 11:01:22 PM »
... Well, not really the same, technically Susan "died" the moment she turned into a full Red Court Vampire, that's when Harry cut her throat with a knife.  In that moment she was no longer Susan, but the youngest Red Court Vamp...
No, there was a moment there where both were alive.  Susan was dying (it was inevitable) but not yet dead, the Rampire had been born but not taken full control.  They both existed within Susan's body at one time.

Susan helped Harry in that moment; fought against the Ramp, kept it from fighting back effectively.

Harry killed the Rampire... but also Susan (albeit he only took a few moments of her life, which she gave willingly).

... However except for the part of the anatomy affected the two deaths were nothing alike ...
Enough alike (bleeding-out in Harry's arms, from a neck-wound) to traumatize / re-traumatize Harry, for sure!

... Why do I get the feeling that Murphy isn't going to be the Murphy that her fans love in Mirror Mirror?  Remember in the original Trek episode that Jim is sort of modeling this after, alternate Kirk was a no good villain in the alternate universe, in fact Kirk tells the alternate universe Spock to kill him and become captain.. Now Murphy could be basically the same in both worlds as Spock was, but that seems too easy.. Either way it is going to mean for pain for Harry.. Murphy evil and Harry maybe even having to kill her himself.. Pain.. Her being the same Murphy in both worlds and Harry having to leave her behind... More pain.
Hurting Harry any way it goes down -- yah, that's a given.

My own feeling is that Murphy is still going to be one of the "Good Guys."  She'll be fighting the Good Fight, fighting against the Dark... including Harry.  Harry's Choice comes "near the end" of Grave Peril (per WoJ).  The fandom is split on where exactly that choice occurs, but remember:  Harry's "alliance" with Murphy isn't really solid, yet.

She will have zero trust for Harry Dresden, because everything she knows of him will have told her he's one of the Bad Guys.  WoJ says mirror!Harry is tight allies with freaking Mavra!  Murphy having zero willingness to trust him will be another quantum level of pain for Harry (if there's really an eyepatch!Murphy, I bet it was mirror!Harry who cost her the eye, so more guilt (stupid guilt, but guilt (Harry buys his guilt wholesale, in bulk loads, and often gets shoddy stuff))).

In addition to the ST:TOS episode, I think there's WoJ that Harry will be seeing some Jimmy Stewart / It's A Wonderful Life sorts of action in his Mirrorverse.  Dunno if that means Uriel will be showing up?

But Mirror!Karrin will be a darker, more cynical character.  She'll have seen loads of ugly shit go down, and not seen Prime!Harry standing up to it, and winning.  Mirror!Chicago will be a darker & less-safe place to be, including for the cops of SI (Rudy, inevitably, will be in charge there).

Offline Mira

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Re: New York Comic Con video
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2023, 04:16:15 AM »
No, there was a moment there where both were alive.  Susan was dying (it was inevitable) but not yet dead, the Rampire had been born but not taken full control.  They both existed within Susan's body at one time.
No, I don't think so,it isn't possible, if anything of Susan remained she wouldn't have been the youngest vamp. I know how it reads, but it doesn't make sense.
Enough alike (bleeding-out in Harry's arms, from a neck-wound) to traumatize / re-traumatize Harry, for sure!
Not really, context does matter..  Harry is traumatized but he would have been if Murphy bled out through her femoral artery..
In addition to the ST:TOS episode, I think there's WoJ that Harry will be seeing some Jimmy Stewart / It's A Wonderful Life sorts of action in his Mirrorverse.  Dunno if that means Uriel will be showing up?

Could be, instead of Clarence trying to earn his wings, it will be Uriel.. The point of It's a Wonderful Life is how screwed up things would be if Jimmy Steward had never lived.. Molly would have gotten her head chopped off for starters, if Harry had never been around..
She will have zero trust for Harry Dresden, because everything she knows of him will have told her he's one of the Bad Guys.  WoJ says mirror!Harry is tight allies with freaking Mavra!  Murphy having zero willingness to trust him will be another quantum level of pain for Harry (if there's really an eyepatch!Murphy, I bet it was mirror!Harry who cost her the eye, so more guilt (stupid guilt, but guilt (Harry buys his guilt wholesale, in bulk loads, and often gets shoddy stuff))).

For starters just because Murphy gets an eye patch, that doesn't make her Odin.. If she is a pirate, she might be a corrupt cop in thick with Marcone.. Oh hell, Marcone might be one of the good guys..

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Re: New York Comic Con video
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2023, 05:01:20 AM »
While Jim said Nemesis is a shapeshifter, that would be a surprise given how the mechanism apparently seems to work.

To me, I think it's more likely he was talking in a literary sense. Rather than the magical ability that Nemesis has. The literary figure that is Nemesis in Jim's book uses the literary device of "shapeshifting" i.e. a character that can impersonate other characters. Sherlock Holmes did this from time to time, but we know he was not a magical character. Obviously this is more confusing because in Jim's story world, we have a magic system that is both real and everpresent. The other problem is that the "shapeshifter bad guy" archetype is already taken in the series (ad yes, you can have more but to what end?) Naagloshii have clearly already done that well enough in the series, so what does Nemesis add that they do not?

So I think it's more likely that Nemesis "infects" or possesses other beings. He has described it this way both in books and interviews, and this is the first time he has said or hinted at anything else. Given that he also said Nemesis has a limit to how many it can infect at any given time, this makes more sense from a possession/corruption angle than anything else.

That said, if Nemesis is a shapeshifter like the Naagloshii that would raise all sorts of questions. What happens to the original being after Nemesis replaces them? Are they dead? If so, what is Lea doing and how is she "back"? Mab seemed quite confident she had "cured" Lea, after all. And why does Nemesis need to shape into them when possessing them would be more effective and more flexible? What advantage does this Walker gain from such an ability? And can it "shapeshift" into multiple beings at once? We know it can "infect" multiple beings at does it create multiple bodies from ectoplasm? And wouldn't these bodies be less effective and more noticeable (given bodies made of ectoplasm can't cross thresholds etc) which Nemesis seems to have less problem doing etc.
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Re: New York Comic Con video
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2023, 07:25:54 AM »
The other problem is that the "shapeshifter bad guy" archetype is already taken in the series (ad yes, you can have more but to what end?) Naagloshii have clearly already done that well enough in the series, so what does Nemesis add that they do not?
they show a specific specialist ability true. But not the scope of what's possible.
 we know thoughts of similarities create resonance. This is by and large one of the simplest things used in magic. Doesn't matter if it's blood, hair, a ken doll with some styling... Or thoughts.It's all about creating that channel to direct the magic through. What's used only effects the quality of the channel, not the magic behind the idea.
So say, I have Grey turn into someone, he acts just like them yea? Can be overcome by THEM if he loses himself. Can't I use him now as a channel to the real one? Can't I use the same principles to say,
give him a stomach ache, cause him pain or even control his very mind from a distance? Grey's just the conduit and actually doing anything to grey is just part of the mental ritual of focusing the magic. It's not needed.
Seems pretty superfluous cause if grey can turn into him we probably already have their blood huh?
Now, what if instead we just have similar thoughts? Can't I mold my thoughts to be more like theirs to create a deeper and more direct channel to them? All I'd need is the initial connection to start the process yea?
An that's how Nemesis operates. The advantage of having a non corporeal shapeshifting ability is resonant access things you become mentally. It's why It's so hard to detect, and probably why Molly was egged into using fear magic by Sandra the fishy name Marlin. Opened her to fear bringer.
(And I theorize why Harry having cat sith NOT be lethal automatically made him vulnerable to hwwbh, who I think prefers to play with his food)