Author Topic: Ew!  (Read 1314 times)

Offline Conspiracy Theorist

  • Posty McPostington
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« on: September 08, 2023, 06:32:32 AM »
Just realised whilst Nameless is the 10th unnamed son of Loviatar, in the Dresdenverse Ms Lapland is described as a Finnish Witch, and they are descibed as “scions of Loviatar” suggesting that she is the niece (great niece etc ) of one of the other sons, or worse is Nameless daughter (granddaughter etc).

Given the relationship portrayed in The Law they give Nicodemus/Deirdre a run for their money in most disturbing Father/Daughter relationship in the Dresdenverse. However it’s Bob who describes their relationship as sexual, and we are mean’t to imply it when Nameless uses the address “darling” to Ms Lapland.

Some mythology (not referenced in the Dresden Files) described the 10th child of Loviatar as a daughter not a son. Could Nameless be Ms Laplands mother? That relationship would give Mab/Maeve a run for their money in the Mother/Daughter stakes

Whichever way there is some familial relationship.

Whilst researching Lapland, it came to my attention that Lapland contains a prominent region called Inari. The same name as the youngest daughter of Lord Raith. Was Ms Lapland forced by Nameless to bear a child for Lord Raith? It would explain her extraordinary antipathy to arrogant men. The other most common use of Inari is the Japanese Goddess of rice.

I would expect to see Inari back in the series for the first time since Blood Rites, bringing and children she has with Rick with her. Blood Rites was Autumn 4SF so any child would be around 10 years old the earliest age young wizards first start to manifest their power. Any such child would be a candidate for Harry’s new apprentice. Lara is not going to allow her nephew or neice to be trained by the White Court.

That would make Harry and Nameless in-laws. Lots of lovely emotional angst for Jim to put Harry through in that relationship.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 07:14:32 AM by Conspiracy Theorist »