Author Topic: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon  (Read 9391 times)

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2023, 04:02:15 AM »
Honestly man, it's a damn good theory there. The only thing I disagree with offhand is who else went to the island with him(why Maeve? This is a perfect job for nameless anyway? Remember, bureaucrats and lawyers are friendly cousins in there jobs lol)
Though I think you misinterpreted whose mantle Red King would have received. Kulkan has strong ties to Quetzalcoatl in the same way  Roman is related to Greek pantheon wise. The original theory I read has vampiric beings(outer night wannabes) draining the original pantheon metaphorically and perhaps literally of their power. Being Lord's of outer night alone wouldn't have put there place of power there on earth for instance. Powers not destroyed though we know. So what happened to the energy behind these quasimmortal beings TWG couldn't just throw out? Who have real bodies left over. (Which I do have a theory on why he doesn't/can't and it's related to the arbitrary usage of 7 courts despite only bothering to really flesh out 3-4 of them to any depth, because they're mirrors of the seven deadly sins)
Which actually is the thread that got me looking into Nemesis the Goddess and her attentive identities in proto-Roman culture, Etruscan. My original big theory.
My pondering, was what happened to that energy unbound by Dresden's knife? True it's likely the Eb's survived but I don't think they got the power for the same reason they didn't get hit by the curse. Hidden away in EK's dungeons. Originally, I found the idea of 13 matching grey council members to be a good sync to that power. Though the discussion on how the fomor were actually in any way unbound by the ramps disappearance made me question if that's where their power went.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2023, 04:09:58 PM »
Nameless doesn’t do his own dirty work if he can avoid it so if the jump off point in Arctis Tor is Mab’s ice garde/dungeon then he might not have access to it .

Gods don’t have Mantles, they came into being before linear time Mantles are constructs. Odin assumes a Mantle after powering down, the Kringle Mantle was created in linear time like the other 8 known Mantles.

A real God can’t be drained by a lesser being unless this is permitted on something like Halloween. It is clear the three-fold choice given to all beings of God level power, we have seen it operation. The WG on the other was in a position to power down those who wouldn’t accept exile, and that power added to the WG. Why should it go to mortals? In Chicken Pizza the WG had four of its champions on the field, what power didn’t go into the bloodline curse was likely absorbed by the WG via the Angels in the sword. This is probably what happens with the power of every monster slain by the swords or in their proximity, their power goes to the WG.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2023, 06:45:48 PM »
Nameless doesn’t do his own dirty work if he can avoid it so if the jump off point in Arctis Tor is Mab’s ice garde/dungeon then he might not have access to it .
still puts too much on Maeve being interconnected in other plots to me. All word on nameless is he's the thread that weaves through others actions. Maeve, would also have been recognized by the island, if not outright in TC, when she arrived later in CD it'd have known she brought the spiders last time.

Gods don’t have Mantles, they came into being before linear time Mantles are constructs. Odin assumes a Mantle after powering down, the Kringle Mantle was created in linear time like the other 8 known Mantles.
na, that's citation needed. Hercules is a mantle now because he didn't survive, who made Hercules into the mantle of the hulk?🤷‍♂️ considering all he did was go berserk and is literally quoted as beating his head on things. Your looking at specific crafted mantles but forgetting there's already woj on mantles and many of them existing without anyone currently holding them. God's don't have mantles, unless they are a mantle. And since that's one mechanism completely unidentified at this time 🤷‍♂️ gonna have to show proof of what makes a mantle and why to make that claim.
Oh and yes, if Quetzalcoatl was drained by kulkan, kulkan became known as such because he took his identity, mask, mantle.

A real God can’t be drained by a lesser being unless this is permitted on something like Halloween.
that's literally what was to happen during the dark hallow...? This statement needs retractable, as it's opinion is in direct opposition to known in book actions. Also, I'd say the woj Mab, if taken by a whamp, would actually be enslaved by it, also proves otherwise. And the third one already out there, is the denarians becoming the new God or some such.(something that I think was your theory?🤔) Which would be pretty hard to do with the above assertion?
It is clear the three-fold choice given to all beings of God level power, we have seen it operation.
no not really, it's easy for you to see your own thoughts on the matter tho?
The WG on the other was in a position to power down those who wouldn’t accept exile, and that power added to the WG. Why should it go to mortals? In Chicken Pizza the WG had four of its champions on the field, what power didn’t go into the bloodline curse was likely absorbed by the WG via the Angels in the sword.
because pretty much the entirety of this part is sheer conjecture and completely unproven but if you actually start to look at the details is completely untenable.
This is probably what happens with the power of every monster slain by the swords or in their proximity, their power goes to the WG.
1 they didn't slay them, Dresden did, and Leah and how many did they actually cut down themselves?
Anyway, the simple logical reason is the swords are powered by grace, doffed by angels. Angel's are absolute. They wouldn't be taking on the alloy and change  of demonic forces while constantly growing in power threatening the entire balance in the process. Flat out doesn't work with known mechanics, doubly so going to TWG directly. Those are not the same flavor of power at all. Might as well feed the winter knight into the summer table.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2023, 08:35:22 PM »
Maeve was ripe for manipulation before Nemesis. Mab had been aware of this for several decades and assigned the Red Cap to watch her. To some degree all the plots involving the Faerie Courts are traceable to Cowls manipulation of Maeve, she had even moved her Court to Chicago in Grave Peril, which gave Cowl/Nameless cover for his continued involvement in Chicago.

Mantles are by their very nature a construct, look at the discussion between Molly and Harry as to the complexity of their Mantles. The Queens Mantles also appear to be linked to the statues in Hades Vault as some kind of physical anchor. Kringle legends date back only as far as 280 AD with St Nicholas, well into human history. The Fairie Courts looks to be Arthurian so 5th and 6th Century - Christianity was supplanting worship of the Pantheons so the changeover to the Faerie Courts as defenders of the Gates would make sense. The Mantles would have been constructed at this time pouring in power from retiring gods.

The Darkhallow was to consume the human lifeforce of Chicago, not the Erl King and the wild hunt, that summoning was to raise the difficult to get at spirits.

The Hulk is a fictional character in the 616 Marvel Universe, so is Hercules. Harry admits that Spider-Man is equally valid as he is in a multiverse, so the Hulk and the 616 Universe Hercules exist. Not sure there is a WOJ over Hercules, Jim is going to use the Greco-Roman pantheon in the Wrestling Book, it is where they are eking out bits of worship. Thor is apparently playing College Football for the same reason.

We have seen what happened to Odin, we have seen what happened to Hades and when the Titan came out of hiding three champions of the White God capable of injuring/binding her were on the field. Mab is also considered the most powerful of beings currently in play, the Titan was a shock, so there is no one other than Titania supposed to be around at her over level or above other than angels and archangels, which definitely suggests the White God is responsible for this.

Dresden slew them but didn’t absorb any of their power, you suggest the Grey Council did, bit the White God makes more sense. His Swords were there for a reason.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2023, 10:31:38 PM »
Maeve was ripe for manipulation before Nemesis. Mab had been aware of this for several decades and assigned the Red Cap to watch her. To some degree all the plots involving the Faerie Courts are traceable to Cowls manipulation of Maeve, she had even moved her Court to Chicago in Grave Peril, which gave Cowl/Nameless cover for his continued involvement in Chicago.
as quite shown and pointed out, she didn't need cowl to manipulate her into Nemesis service tho. And considering Maeve was being watched from inside that'd really give mab way more insight into blaming nameless for her daughter's fate. Proof or no, if mab even suspected that he did, he'd be facing Mama Bear aligned with the will of the mantle.

Mantles are by their very nature a construct, look at the discussion between Molly and Harry as to the complexity of their Mantles.
the mantles we've seen are constructed yes. Though when you start to look at the raw details you see what exactly the other side of a mantle is, a mental/spiritual construct of a spiritual being. It's their mind/identity. Always. Not all mantles are based on mirroring a particular being, but those still connect to a specific metaphysical idea. The archive is human memory for instance. Not memory per SE, but the collective idea of human knowledge.
And then we have... Bob. Which when you start to look at the details is just a different "deal" around a similar existence for the spirit. Instead of a mantle it's another way to create insulation between spirit and user. Bob pays in knowledge for a place to stay in the physical realm, he's paying rent. Instead of having his own identity and effecting 'the wearer', he'd become a reflection of the wearer, something that itself could take its own identity like kemmlers version even sans a name. Mantles, talisman, home skulls, coins, curses even.. ect is all just a form of insulation from a perfect possession, the complete blending of a spiritual being with a human capable of free will actions. The fae mantles are so strict because they must maintain a perfect balance. It's a contract with the wearer to subsume them and in doing so eek the free will/ the soul out of them into keeping the mantle fresh and viable in reality.

The Queens Mantles also appear to be linked to the statues in Hades Vault as some kind of physical anchor. Kringle legends date back only as far as 280 AD with St Nicholas, well into human history. The Fairie Courts looks to be Arthurian so 5th and 6th Century - Christianity was supplanting worship of the Pantheons so the changeover to the Faerie Courts as defenders of the Gates would make sense. The Mantles would have been constructed at this time pouring in power from retiring gods.
it's implied the fae grew with their importance and power. The original winter queen wouldn't have needed a mantle, she was the queen of winter. The effect your talking about is actually the giving of certain authorities to said Queen. It's the authority and power given by the mothers, through the table that beefed the importance of the originals. After all the woj is they're both the last of the original defenders and simply the current ones in trusted with it. They'd already been around, they just didn't have the position in reality.

The Darkhallow was to consume the human lifeforce of Chicago, not the Erl King and the wild hunt, that summoning was to raise the difficult to get at spirits.
you definitely need to look at the attentive woj and it's context, even the context in book.

The Hulk is a fictional character in the 616 Marvel Universe, so is Hercules. Harry admits that Spider-Man is equally valid as he is in a multiverse, so the Hulk and the 616 Universe Hercules exist. Not sure there is a WOJ over Hercules, Jim is going to use the Greco-Roman pantheon in the Wrestling Book, it is where they are eking out bits of worship. Thor is apparently playing College Football for the same reason.
that is the woj, that yes they existed in the DF and now they exist and are impowered in the human zeitgeist by amalgamations of memory like the hulk. Specifically citing his berserk tendencies and that he did not survive. And yes I'm sure the wrestling book will have a lot more on that.  Also mentions other mantles nobody has claimed.

We have seen what happened to Odin, we have seen what happened to Hades and when the Titan came out of hiding three champions of the White God capable of injuring/binding her were on the field. Mab is also considered the most powerful of beings currently in play, the Titan was a shock, so there is no one other than Titania supposed to be around at her over level or above other than angels and archangels, which definitely suggests the White God is responsible for this.
in the overarching context, sure? He's in cahoots with the good guys to get reality the right antibodies to help it stay healthy. Not sure what that's says all by itself though.

Dresden slew them but didn’t absorb any of their power, you suggest the Grey Council did, bit the White God makes more sense. His Swords were there for a reason.
and I've already shown why that'd not make any sense or be thematically correct at all. TWG doesn't seize power, tries to minimize his own power, knows the importance of power in play, maintains balance, and uses angels which are absolute, not alloys which is the kind of power your implying. Flat out doesn't work. It's not goblin made steel, it does not absorb that which strengthens it. Considering that's also an action the angels would have to take, not the welder. Then attentive angels on the other side would also be impowered to take more power, on earth, for themselves. Actually doesn't make sense.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2023, 12:12:16 AM »

“mantles we have seen” you are predicating a theory upon something we haven’t seen, and that is magical thinking, rather than empiral proof.

There is a WOJ that Toot is becoming larger due to increasing importance, which is what you might be thinking of, but Mab is not Toot, she started Mortal and assumed the Mantle and the whole balance between the Courts (the entire plot of Summer Knight) shows this does not apply to the Mantles. They are self-regulating to maintain a balance. Seeking to expand the definition of Mantle doesn’t change this and in the case of Angels their essence has been explicitly called by Jim their Grace, not Mantle. Bob is nothing but spirit he is not a Mantle or anything like one.

From the Dresden Wiki “Kemmler's Heirs intend to call up ancients spirits using the Erlking and then devour them for power on Halloween Night during the powerful Darkhallow spell that will turn one of them into a god-like being with ungodly powers.[1]”

It would also include ripping the spirit from the living, like a lot of dark magic like the bloodline curse.

The Hulk is well accepted as an update of Jekyll and Hyde by Robert Louis Stephenson and is itself the classic man transforms into monster trope that we most commonly with werewolves and espiaclly the Loup Garou. I believe you may have got the wrong end of the wrong stick. The Hulk WOJ is in regards to Mouse drawing power from the Carpenters threshold, not Hercules.

Odin is not the only powered down elder god reference is made to Thor and WOJ exists as regards the wrestling book. Odin’s solution was to take up the Kringle Mantle, the other gods are eking out life amongst humans with the belief they can garner as celebrities, again a specific WOJ.

The WG is clearly the most powerful entity in the Dresdenverse and maintains that, as set out above, against all other entities. The WG merely believes in mortal free-will, and exercises self restraint in that regard, not expending power to help others but accumulating it through belief, and likely such instances as this. Creation is a closed system (until someone opens the Outer Gates) all energy released goes to the mortal world or the Never Never, both ultimately controlled by the WG.

There is nothing in Changes to suggest that the Grey Council siphoned off this power for themselves, no Darkhallow or equivalent mechanism to re-direct it to themselves. Odin himself is very careful to maintain his power level as is (baring the Kringle Mantle) as part of his bargain with Uriel to be able to stay involved in Mortal affairs. It should be noted Kringle and Uriel do lunch once a year. Uriel is keeping an eye on him.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2023, 04:31:30 AM »
“mantles we have seen” you are predicating a theory upon something we haven’t seen, and that is magical thinking, rather than empiral proof.
actually it's predicted upon the variation in mantles seen, which are more than just the queens or even the fae, and those we know to exist through woj. And then extending through common themes throughout the DF that have been repeated. Almost like it's a self-contained system of magic and creation penned to be such. By a guy like Jim who has woj he likes to connect ideas through certain key descriptions and such.

There is a WOJ that Toot is becoming larger due to increasing importance, which is what you might be thinking of, but Mab is not Toot, she started Mortal and assumed the Mantle and the whole balance between the Courts (the entire plot of Summer Knight)
and your missing that she's not the original, she started as human doesn't mean the winter queen did. Indeed MW is the original millennial old being, though her identity as MW is not. It became the strongest at the same she gave a portion of her authority to the WQ. Meaning she changed based on the passing of authority to a position. Just like the theory would say.(and became a fae mantle btw, that's an important distinction since her change reflected what she gave power to)
shows this does not apply to the Mantles. They are self-regulating to maintain a balance. Seeking to expand the definition of Mantle doesn’t change this and in the case of Angels their essence has been explicitly called by Jim their Grace, not Mantle.
nonlinear statement, does not compute 🤷‍♂️ do you refer to the queens? The archive? Kringle who actually works to stay in the positive? How about Eldest. Is it the mantle compelling them, or are they compelled by their own nature and what exactly is the mantle of "eldest" if not an obvious nod of authority?
Bob is nothing but spirit he is not a Mantle or anything like one.
actually I just pointed out how he is and can continue to elaborate. You seem to be having the same issue MR D did and think your going to state an opinion as fact instead of point to factual things to use as a basis for your opinion. 🤔 Are you sure your not just trying to make me "wrong" still?
From the Dresden Wiki “Kemmler's Heirs intend to call up ancients spirits using the Erlking and then devour them for power on Halloween Night during the powerful Darkhallow spell that will turn one of them into a god-like being with ungodly powers.[1]”
😂😂😂😂😂😂 do not ever quote a fandom wiki at me, I've already made my opinion of those perfectly clear. They're not sources beyond facts presented in book or through woj. That's someone's opinion they wrote in, just like they named Nemesis a few years ago and stuff like that(they were WRONG) here,
Does Harry have an incorrect understanding of the Dark Hollow and other parts of the world?
Oh god yes.  I won’t say Harry is clueless, but his understanding of lots of things including the way that magic works is incomplete in many ways.  If only because he hasn’t been trusted by a lot of the wizarding community by a lot of the people who could have taught him better.  And a lot of the people who do know better aren’t correcting him because they think it’s important to learn these things on your own.  Harry’s going to be stumbling across things where he goes “Oh, well I didn’t understand this exactly right.”
Direct woj, and sense anything on the wiki is from Dresden's perspective alone it's definitely not right.

It would also include ripping the spirit from the living, like a lot of dark magic like the bloodline curse.

The Hulk is well accepted as an update of Jekyll and Hyde by Robert Louis Stephenson and is itself the classic man transforms into monster trope that we most commonly with werewolves and espiaclly the Loup Garou. I believe you may have got the wrong end of the wrong stick. The Hulk WOJ is in regards to Mouse drawing power from the Carpenters threshold, not Hercules.
no wrong end to get there bud for me bud. The woj on Hercules and the hulk is much older than that happening in book.(maybe ask radiam, just a cursory search yields him talking about Hercules smashing his head, so it's not like it's an unknown woj to the people here)

Odin is not the only powered down elder god reference is made to Thor and WOJ exists as regards the wrestling book. Odin’s solution was to take up the Kringle Mantle, the other gods are eking out life amongst humans with the belief they can garner as celebrities, again a specific WOJ.
🤷‍♂️ okay?

The WG is clearly the most powerful entity in the Dresdenverse and maintains that, as set out above, against all other entities. The WG merely believes in mortal free-will, and exercises self restraint in that regard, not expending power to help others but accumulating it through belief, and likely such instances as this. Creation is a closed system (until someone opens the Outer Gates) all energy released goes to the mortal world or the Never Never, both ultimately controlled by the WG.
actually that's where your wrong. Things of the mortal nature, which includes ramps and wamps, have choice, and they can chose to make that energy go outside. Great example in BR with the curse or other summoning of outsiders, they can make things exist. That power is specifically for humans, and is the thing that lets certain creatures straddle the line and TWG can't act. Humans chose it. Or like the Kraken, were made to be it(which was also done with magic, with choice)
There is nothing in Changes to suggest that the Grey Council siphoned off this power for themselves, no Darkhallow or equivalent mechanism to re-direct it to themselves.
indeed, and since Harry doesn't remember what happened after he used the knife there's a big gapping hole where I can insert that idea and it can't be dislocated from 🤷‍♂️
Odin himself is very careful to maintain his power level as is (baring the Kringle Mantle) as part of his bargain with Uriel to be able to stay involved in Mortal affairs. It should be noted Kringle and Uriel do lunch once a year. Uriel is keeping an eye on him.
his power diminished with his loss of position and followers. No wholely assumed bargain clause needed. They do lunch because they're in similar fields of work, as per the woj you referenced, the keeping an eye on is your assumption of the situation.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2023, 05:14:44 AM by The_Sibelis »

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2023, 09:28:46 AM »
We have not seen or been told about other Mantles, there is absolutely nothing to indicate a wide prevalence of Mantles .

The intimation is that Mab and Titania started off as the Ladies, and were the originals, Ethnui in her derision of Mab makes this clear, one of the Queens went on to become a Mother, the other we don’t know what happened. She merely swapped Mantles, not accreting additional power to her mantle. We have seen this process with the Ladies, and Mab stating Harry should kill Molly because she does not consider her ready to be Queen.

Eldest appears to be a Title, and denotes an accretion of power through importance like Toot. The Archive is not a Mantle despite being a construct as  it is transmitted by birth and limited to a particular matrilineal line, it is closer to the Loup Garou curse than a Mantle, where it is transmitted by the patrilineal line. Both create a compulsion to ensure succession.

A Mantle does not exist on its own, it has to find a host or return to the Queen or Mother, Lily’s transformation to stone to stop this occurring demonstrates this. The Mantles do not appear to be sentient.Bob is. Bob is not a construct he is the product of a reproductive event, given how we have seen the birth of Bonny. WOJ has it that we have seen both Bobs parents (most likely Lea and the British Prisoner) but Bob only needs a sanctum in the mortal world, when he resided in Winter he didn’t.

Fandom Wiki are a good source  of facts and WOJ  “They're not sources beyond facts presented in book or through woj.” Is not a criticism, they are not presenting an opinion but you appear to consider personal opinion Trumps facts and WOJ. As I said magical thinking.

It’s mortal free will which allows for Outsiders to be whistled in, the one thing the WG won’t interfere with.

Please provide the WOJ about the Hulk, if genuine it demonstrates poor research on the part of Jim (which would be worrying) the Hulk as a character only debuted in May 1962 far too late for one to be conflated with :) the other.

You cannot rely upon an absence of evidence to justify your theory as regards the Grey Council, that is an opinion not a theory.

Odin has sought to stay in the Mortal World to continue to involve himself in human events. Odin’s worship base was healthy until about 1,000 AD (the vikings) before Christianity started eating into it, much later than most of the other pantheons were supplanted by Christianity and he still has between 500 and 1,000 worshippers. This suggests a conscious decision on the part of Odin to surrender power when he had it rather than gradually lose it over time. He most likely traded it for the Kringle Mantle, to gain immortality. I doubt he is the original Kringle, but legend does conflate Odin and Kringle and he probably then promoted the conversion process amongst his followers as part of the agreement, boosting the WG further.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2023, 11:05:16 AM »
We have not seen or been told about other Mantles, there is absolutely nothing to indicate a wide prevalence of Mantles .
we've been told specifically about the existence of other mantles. To list some specifics in case you've forgotten already, Hercules, Eldest fae lineages. The Archive, moving into the obvious logic, any being known by a different name or mask regardless of actuality of the being holds a mantle for it, because as per Odin Masks and mantles are not different.  Lord General of the Za lord's army. Said woj also implies EK is a mantle(how do you think he got so powerful to begin with?~sic), and probably more I'm forgetting.

The intimation is that Mab and Titania started off as the Ladies, and were the originals, Ethnui in her derision of Mab makes this clear, one of the Queens went on to become a Mother, the other we don’t know what happened. She merely swapped Mantles, not accreting additional power to her mantle.
I don't know how your theory here effects mine at all, except I'm glad you admit one thing, she swapped up mantles. Also we have no idea when the first exchange happened so that's all conjecture on conjecture to talk about.
The only thing Enthiu makes clear is Mab was human, that much we know unless you can pull some quotes I didn't read?
We have seen this process with the Ladies, and Mab stating Harry should kill Molly because she does not consider her ready to be Queen.

Eldest appears to be a Title, and denotes an accretion of power through importance like Toot
once again for those in the back, woj, they are mantles
. The Archive is not a Mantle despite being a construct as  it is transmitted by birth and limited to a particular matrilineal line, it is closer to the Loup Garou curse than a Mantle, where it is transmitted by the patrilineal line. Both create a compulsion to ensure succession.
actually their both mantles, but let's stick with the archive for this, because your basically assuming the whole definition of a mantle to be maxed out at what you can say for sure(which is sometimes inaccurate as I've countered numerous points for you to just move on to erect the straw elsewhere), not on what you can actually disprove. This, this isn't how theorizing works mkay. And until you get off the vague reprovals like that I'm just going to ignore you and reiterate and elaborate on my theories every time you do it 🤷‍♂️

A Mantle does not exist on its own, it has to find a host or return to the Queen or Mother, Lily’s transformation to stone to stop this occurring demonstrates this
conjecture followed by complete contradict of woj?🤔👀🤷‍♂️ It has to find a mirror. It actually finds the queen and mother because it goes to the closest mirror. This is directly stated in book.
The Mantles do not appear to be sentient.
the blackstaffs not sentient, it IS a mantle, and despite both and being an inanimate object Eb still talks to it. 🤷‍♂️
Bob is. Bob is not a construct he is the product of a reproductive event, given how we have seen the birth of Bonny. WOJ has it that we have seen both Bobs parents (most likely Lea and the British Prisoner) but Bob only needs a sanctum in the mortal world, when he resided in Winter he didn’t.
yep, and mantles only need to be worn to be connected to the living world 🤷‍♂️ an vise versa. Also Bob needs more than a sanctum, the sanctum is part of the deal denoted on the skull, he's in contract with the last person who touched it. A constructed deal. See, I don't disagree about the construction that's the point. That's the insulation. Thanks for agreeing, all these mantles ARE constructed. That's what makes them mantles and not possessions

Fandom Wiki are a good source  of facts and WOJ  “They're not sources beyond facts presented in book or through woj.” Is not a criticism, they are not presenting an opinion but you appear to consider personal opinion Trumps facts and WOJ. As I said magical thinking.
they are presenting opinion, the difference is they're stating it as facts. I'm stating facts and then telling you my opinion of what they mean, magical thinking indeed. Now if only I could find someone who can discuss what the facts mean instead of trying to tell me what the facts do not outright say? Because the later mindset gets you no where, in theory, literally lol.

It’s mortal free will which allows for Outsiders to be whistled in, the one thing the WG won’t interfere with.
like this, your stating a fact, but you somehow feel it limits other ideas around it by being so?

Please provide the WOJ about the Hulk, if genuine it demonstrates poor research on the part of Jim (which would be worrying) the Hulk as a character only debuted in May 1962 far too late for one to be conflated with :) the other.
??? When you say things like this, I'm certain you're trolling. The idea of the berserker can evolve through Mr Hyde to hulk in time. I'm not sure how this applies... Though Jim probably followed the logic of "where the religious furor/legend's went" which has a lot of that passion being thrown into Wagner before settling in in the comics(whole documentary on the all hero mythology and comics)

You cannot rely upon an absence of evidence to justify your theory as regards the Grey Council, that is an opinion not a theory.
that's exactly what I'm going to do, and that's exactly what an theory is. Devoid of evidence to the contrary, (which you can't use your opinion to say a thing isn't) That's exactly how theory craft works. "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." -Einstein. This misperception needs to stop. Unless you enjoy immovable object vs unstoppable force? I rather confess, I've been doing this for years now. Not just here and about the DF, but Harry Potter (I knew snape loved her and Harrys horcrux status before book 5) on Facebook, social media, RL. this? This is grinding old levels after I already beat the game. Good for keeping my skills sharp.

Odin has sought to stay in the Mortal World to continue to involve himself in human events. Odin’s worship base was healthy until about 1,000 AD (the vikings) before Christianity started eating into it, much later than most of the other pantheons were supplanted by Christianity and he still has between 500 and 1,000 worshippers. This suggests a conscious decision on the part of Odin to surrender power when he had it rather than gradually lose it over time. He most likely traded it for the Kringle Mantle, to gain immortality. I doubt he is the original Kringle, but legend does conflate Odin and Kringle and he probably then promoted the conversion process amongst his followers as part of the agreement, boosting the WG further.
okay 🤷‍♂️ see I don't mind other people's theory, I point out where they don't work so they can be improved upon. Or if someone thinks their's somehow unmakes mine, which is never the case and as can be seen going backwards through this conversation, doesn't work too well no matter how many points they suddenly move on from to new fortifications... Precisely because they don't get the above Einstein quote.  Here I'll throw a woj at you anyway
All that said… Not everything about the events of Changes has been shown, yet, and there are a lot of elements in it which are deliberately misleading within the context of that story taken on its own.
🤷‍♂️ keep in mind even when I don't directly mention it... I usually have some evidence anyway. I just forget 😂
So until Gawain starts banishing creatures with his pentagram shield, make mine Marvel!
« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 09:33:33 PM by The_Sibelis »

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2023, 11:23:14 AM »
Are you going to explore where the mantles come from?
We’ll have to as we go on, in terms of, to a certain degree, some of them have always been there. If we're talking about mantles in There’s all kinds of them. It’s not just Faerie, they’re all over the place. There are still mantles hanging around from Greek times. Greco-Roman mythology, **unintelligible** mythology. The gods are also around, in one form or another, most of them are around. Some of them got themselves killed. Because lets face it, some of those guys were idiots.
And I mean, you go back there and read, and it’s like, how could you possibly have survived that? The answer in the Dresden Files is that they didn't. They *unintelligible* up til they died. Sorry, Hercules, you can only go slamming your head into walls for so long. And if your mantle passed on to The Hulk, it sort of exists in people’s minds and imaginations now.
Info about really powerful beings
The Mothers are extremely powerful beings, I mean, they’re really really well, you can tell because they hardly ever show up on the real world. In the Dresden Files universe if you don’t show up on the real world, it’s because you’re too big to walk around there. For instance,  I think in the third book, when the Dragon is talking about how the Earth couldn't bear his weight, it’s not that the Earth itself would literally crack, it’s that reality would have issues trying to contain him, because every time he coughs, it would bend around like Neo in the Matrix. So, they spend most of their time NOT on the real world, they spend it hanging around in the Nevernever, all the really heavyweight guys do that. If you’re in the real world, well, the problem is that you’re in the world, and you’re kind of mortal, and something could come along and try and whack you, if they’re fast enough, or good enough, or lucky enough. Which makes Odin a kind of special guy, because he doesn't mind it, he thinks it’s awesome. But anyway, you can always tell. If there’s folks who don’t show up in the real world, it’s because they’re super big. So, like, an angel shows up, and it’s just sort of a whispered presence that one person is aware of, that’s because he’s just too big to show up here, it’s a giant sandbox, and he’s got to be very very careful to not squash the sandbox. So, he just shows up for that one bit.
Went ahead and did the woj afterwards since it refutes your conjecture on Odin as well. Looks like not only does Odin not mind mortality, but finds it pretty nifty too.
And look at that, the mantle of the hulk now existing as an idea just like I said. It's almost like I spent hundreds of hours skimming the site and woj section making solid foundations to my theory craft in an attempt to actually ascertain the truth and not just guess at it.
~The Sybilius
To give some wrote insight into how I operate look at the above quote. He goes from talking about mantles being around to also god's being around still too then on to a demigod who passed and his mantle. Jim basically lays out all the connections between mantles vs living gods right there. It even has a certain repetition of topic that I could compare to the Gettysburg address and Lincolns use of word repetition. See, this is what I can't get the allistics to understand. This is my savant syndrome manifest. 🤷‍♂️ Getting mads not going to stop me, trying to unmake my work only strengthens me, nothing's going to change except Jim's own choice. Happens all the time. But I'm going to keep making crazy connections nobody else is gonna see, cause that's who I am. It's what I do. And after 35 years I dam well know how to identify and fight Chuck's shadow warriors. Literally the origin of the hypersensitive ability to read way too deep into things, trauma response 🤷‍♂️
« Last Edit: July 25, 2023, 11:40:35 AM by The_Sibelis »

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2023, 03:30:59 PM »
... I'd say the woj Mab, if taken by a whamp, would actually be enslaved by it ...

Um, cite please?
WoJ says Mab could be enslaved by a Whampire?

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2023, 03:57:24 PM »
Eldest appears to be a Title, and denotes an accretion of power through importance like Toot ...

I think you are going to need to _substantially_ change your understanding of "Mantles" in the Dresdenverse (I suspect some knock-on changes to some of your other Conspiracy Theories, in consequence of this fundamental misunderstanding) ...

Also, if a unique denizen of Faerie akin to Cat Sith were to die, does it have a mantle that passes on? Would the next-eldest malk be able to get more powerful?
The mantle of Eldest is an important one in Faerie, and yes, it would pass on should its bearer perish.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2023, 08:00:20 PM »
Um, cite please?
WoJ says Mab could be enslaved by a Whampire?
yep, easily findable in the mab vs section in woj.vs the entire wamp court if would be tenuous victory, but whomever actually succeeded would effectively control winter. I'll look after work if you really can't find it.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2023, 01:52:07 AM »
That is relative power levels, Mab alone is equalled by the Red Court, but she is not alone she can draw on Winters vassals as she did in Battle Ground and easily defeat the Red Court. This is why the Red Court avoided conflict with the Fae Courts during the war with the White Court.

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Re: In Retrospect The Relevance Of Storm Front and Full Moon
« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2023, 03:34:37 AM »
Yea, but the key idea I brought it up for(iirc) is Mab could be taken by a singular wamp in the end. No Gods are able to prevent a lesser taking their power except what they can protect by force, and guile. After all, even and especially among the gods direct fighting is not preferred
I've always had issue with this particular branch of woj actually. Because it's presented in SK that the queens are the entirety of their courts, it is their power and vice versa(I remember someone chiming in recently wondering if she's not Omni aware of her court similar to Dresden was his "bannermen") if she's the avatar of her court then the woj needs elaboration. Does it mean if they cut her off from physical backup they could match her or the two courts are actually equivalent in metaphysical power?
Looking now, thou I fear it might be lost behind a broken link in the reference section(if I'd been aware of how much of serack and co's work would be lost with the transfer... Smh, I'd have tried to preserve it)
Just about the best they could hope to accomplish would be to force Mab to make an effort.  Though when Mab came for them, it wouldn’t be a kick-down-the-door-and-kick-ass kind of encounter.  It would be a One-two-three-four-five-Hey-weren’t-there-SIX-of-us-here-a-second-ago? situation
god I love that he even foreshadows in his interviews. That was an awesome cat sith scene.
Here it is
Hmmm.  In terms of pure, raw power, several who have appeared or been mentioned in the books could pull it off, though neither side would really “win” as much as “continue to exist.”  Plus, the sudden absence of Mab would do freaking HIDEOUS things to the earth.  But here’s who has the necessary horsepower do it:

o   Titania–though it would be a coin toss.  Almost literally.
o   The Mothers (who wouldn’t)
o   The White Council.  As in, ALL the White Council.  Every wizard on the planet.  And they’d need her Name.
o   Drakul.
o   Ferrovax.
o   The Red Court–again, ALL the Red Court, though their odds wouldn’t be good.
o   The entire White Court–very, very long odds on that, but if they actually pulled it off, whoever took Mab would effectively control her power.
o   Cowl (if the Darkhallow had succeeded).
o   A union of the old Elders of the Black Court.  They were freaking scary until the Whites arranged to have them hounded down by mortals.

All of that, of course, assumes that Mab is standing there alone, outside of Faerie, and not commanding an entire nation, literally millions and millions and millions of nightmarish creatures of every description.  Which she does.

There’s a REASON that when Mab said, “Sign these Accords and abide by them,” people listened. :)

i guess it DOES specify, the conversations I've had made me think it was vaguely put.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 05:07:02 AM by The_Sibelis »