We have not seen or been told about other Mantles, there is absolutely nothing to indicate a wide prevalence of Mantles .
we've been told specifically about the existence of other mantles. To list some specifics in case you've forgotten already, Hercules, Eldest fae lineages. The Archive, moving into the obvious logic, any being known by a different name or mask regardless of actuality of the being holds a mantle for it, because as per Odin Masks and mantles are not different. Lord General of the Za lord's army. Said woj also implies EK is a mantle(how do you think he got so powerful to begin with?~sic), and probably more I'm forgetting.
The intimation is that Mab and Titania started off as the Ladies, and were the originals, Ethnui in her derision of Mab makes this clear, one of the Queens went on to become a Mother, the other we don’t know what happened. She merely swapped Mantles, not accreting additional power to her mantle.
I don't know how your theory here effects mine at all, except I'm glad you admit one thing, she swapped up mantles. Also we have no idea when the first exchange happened so that's all conjecture on conjecture to talk about.
The only thing Enthiu makes clear is Mab was human, that much we know unless you can pull some quotes I didn't read?
We have seen this process with the Ladies, and Mab stating Harry should kill Molly because she does not consider her ready to be Queen.
Eldest appears to be a Title, and denotes an accretion of power through importance like Toot
once again for those in the back, woj, they are mantles
. The Archive is not a Mantle despite being a construct as it is transmitted by birth and limited to a particular matrilineal line, it is closer to the Loup Garou curse than a Mantle, where it is transmitted by the patrilineal line. Both create a compulsion to ensure succession.
actually their both mantles, but let's stick with the archive for this, because your basically assuming the whole definition of a mantle to be maxed out at what you can say for sure(which is sometimes inaccurate as I've countered numerous points for you to just move on to erect the straw elsewhere), not on what you can actually disprove. This, this isn't how theorizing works mkay. And until you get off the vague reprovals like that I'm just going to ignore you and reiterate and elaborate on my theories every time you do it 🤷♂️
A Mantle does not exist on its own, it has to find a host or return to the Queen or Mother, Lily’s transformation to stone to stop this occurring demonstrates this
conjecture followed by complete contradict of woj?🤔👀🤷♂️ It has to find a mirror. It actually finds the queen and mother because it goes to the closest mirror. This is directly stated in book.
The Mantles do not appear to be sentient.
the blackstaffs not sentient, it IS a mantle, and despite both and being an inanimate object Eb still talks to it. 🤷♂️
Bob is. Bob is not a construct he is the product of a reproductive event, given how we have seen the birth of Bonny. WOJ has it that we have seen both Bobs parents (most likely Lea and the British Prisoner) but Bob only needs a sanctum in the mortal world, when he resided in Winter he didn’t.
yep, and mantles only need to be worn to be connected to the living world 🤷♂️ an vise versa. Also Bob needs more than a sanctum, the sanctum is part of the deal denoted on the skull, he's in contract with the last person who touched it. A constructed deal. See, I don't disagree about the construction that's the point. That's the insulation. Thanks for agreeing, all these mantles ARE constructed. That's what makes them mantles and not possessions
Fandom Wiki are a good source of facts and WOJ “They're not sources beyond facts presented in book or through woj.” Is not a criticism, they are not presenting an opinion but you appear to consider personal opinion Trumps facts and WOJ. As I said magical thinking.
they are presenting opinion, the difference is they're stating it as facts. I'm stating facts and then telling you my opinion of what they mean, magical thinking indeed. Now if only I could find someone who can discuss what the facts mean instead of trying to tell me what the facts do not outright say? Because the later mindset gets you no where, in theory, literally lol.
It’s mortal free will which allows for Outsiders to be whistled in, the one thing the WG won’t interfere with.
like this, your stating a fact, but you somehow feel it limits other ideas around it by being so?
Please provide the WOJ about the Hulk, if genuine it demonstrates poor research on the part of Jim (which would be worrying) the Hulk as a character only debuted in May 1962 far too late for one to be conflated with
the other.

When you say things like this, I'm certain you're trolling. The idea of the berserker can evolve through Mr Hyde to hulk in time. I'm not sure how this applies... Though Jim probably followed the logic of "where the religious furor/legend's went" which has a lot of that passion being thrown into Wagner before settling in in the comics(whole documentary on the all hero mythology and comics)
You cannot rely upon an absence of evidence to justify your theory as regards the Grey Council, that is an opinion not a theory.
that's exactly what I'm going to do, and that's exactly what an theory is. Devoid of evidence to the contrary, (which you can't use your opinion to say a thing isn't) That's exactly how theory craft works. "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." -Einstein. This misperception needs to stop. Unless you enjoy immovable object vs unstoppable force? I rather confess, I've been doing this for years now. Not just here and about the DF, but Harry Potter (I knew snape loved her and Harrys horcrux status before book 5) on Facebook, social media, RL. this? This is grinding old levels after I already beat the game. Good for keeping my skills sharp.
Odin has sought to stay in the Mortal World to continue to involve himself in human events. Odin’s worship base was healthy until about 1,000 AD (the vikings) before Christianity started eating into it, much later than most of the other pantheons were supplanted by Christianity and he still has between 500 and 1,000 worshippers. This suggests a conscious decision on the part of Odin to surrender power when he had it rather than gradually lose it over time. He most likely traded it for the Kringle Mantle, to gain immortality. I doubt he is the original Kringle, but legend does conflate Odin and Kringle and he probably then promoted the conversion process amongst his followers as part of the agreement, boosting the WG further.
okay 🤷♂️ see I don't mind other people's theory, I point out where they don't work so they can be improved upon. Or if someone thinks their's somehow unmakes mine, which is never the case and as can be seen going backwards through this conversation, doesn't work too well no matter how many points they suddenly move on from to new fortifications... Precisely because they don't get the above Einstein quote. Here I'll throw a woj at you anyway
All that said… Not everything about the events of Changes has been shown, yet, and there are a lot of elements in it which are deliberately misleading within the context of that story taken on its own.
🤷♂️ keep in mind even when I don't directly mention it... I usually have some evidence anyway. I just forget 😂
So until Gawain starts banishing creatures with his pentagram shield, make mine Marvel!