Fair! Thanks for taking the time to go so in-depth. This is mostly me making a note to read more later, because it's been a long day.
Honestly the tone is pretty new to me. It's not in my usual style, just something I was convinced to try out. That'll take some adjustment, but I'm pretty much outvoted since I'm the only one who doesn't love it, so I guess it's here to stay. As far as the numbers go, I'm working on the chapter that explains all of that now, but the past few days have conspired against me. It's all about navigating in, to and out of a place and basically sets the tone for checks players might have to make without having to use much brainpower. Hazard Index is the same.
The latter half of the book is probably going to be more fun, since that's where I get to throw in neat new things, like the aforementioned Wayfinder, maybe new powers, new entries for new types of things, stunts, etc. So far it was mostly about establishing proof of concept.
Re: Part 2, this is interesting. Everyone seems to have a different opinion about it. Don't know what that means, but it's interesting.
"stables" can't be the right word. Maybe you were going for "staples"? But that would still be questionable grammatically.
Maybe it's because I'm tired, but I truly don't know.
I put all of this in a notepad to address tomorrow when I have time. I'll look around the forums later as well to maybe see if I can streamline the tables for FUDGE dice. You're probably right, though.
I think the issues with Part 3 are going to be addressed when I can put down my much more specific Realms and Regions, though. I wanted to get these three out of the way first, since I can't really play around in there at all.
At any rate, I'm probably rambling by now, so more on that tomorrow. Thank you again!