True, but why would Jim otherwise seed this fact of the lawyers existence and in The Law seed the fact that Nameless had been working for Marcone since before then.
Several of the Novellas and short stories have been used in this fashion, especially the more recent ones. The inclusion of Even Hand into Dark and Stormy Knights told us Marcone had picked up the coin, it told us about pistols and bullets he would eventually use in Battle Ground (Checkov’s gun) and it drops on Nameless without naming him. Two of those had a pay-off in Battle Ground, the third in The Law.
Zoo Day for example drops a clue that the puppies were abducted by Cowl and Kumori, a previously unknown intervention in Blood Rites before their formal introduction in Dead Beat. This is fully confirmed in Fugitive. One then has to wonder how much Cowl was involved in the B Story involving Mavra in that book, did he help set up her nest, did he then try to use her to take out Dresden because of that? The first Black Court intervention is the Securty Guard at the airport when Harry is returning the puppies to Brother Wang, that suggests coordination between Cowl and Mavra in hindsight not a random attack.