I actually admire Mab. She's a monster yes, but she is unfailingly attentive to her duties and the needs of her vassals. And look at how she supported Harry when he insisted they had a duty to recompense the fallen and their families. Granted, some of that was self interest, but she also correctly points out that they have a moral duty, as well.
Other things:
Freydis shoving a grenade into the Kraken's head wound to blow it up: Hell yeah.
Harry and Lara are now betrothed? Dear God.

For all the White Council losing their "s" over Harry, look at how Michael reacts to him. With exactly the same trust that he always has.
"You think your mother and I are blind, as well as old?"
Marcone is a Knight of the Blackened Denarius? That's fairly terrifying.
Ordinary Chicago residents fighting back to save their city.
Any scene with Maggie, Harry and Mouse together.
And, of course, Butters. Pick a scene, any scene, with him in and tell me he's not stone cold awesome in it.