Spot, it sounds like life is turned up full blast for you. Yay Spotlette! No, Mocha

. Cinder!

. I imagine Mocha will always hold a special place in Spotlette's heart as the pet that was a well established fixture of the world when she got here, but bonding with a companion from the start is it's own special privilege (as you well know). Good call on cutting down to a full time job, that seems wise. Good luck sticking to it. I know it can be difficult when there's just that
one more thing that needs doing.
In fact, we seem to be flooded with cats. Regen's are apparently leaking in from Outside. Nemesis may have found a powerful set of hosts now that it's gotten a taste of Cat-sith, so I suppose they're sending in their own versions too. To equip you with one of their weaknesses and maintain the balance, I say both nice and terrible things to all cats, but I do it in sweet tone of voice so they're always pleased about it. Assuming they deign to notice, of course. Cinder is the cutest little fluffy window licker, yes she is.
Regen, I'm sorry to hear about your own loss of a companion, and that your holiday wonder was mostly occupied by grievously wounded idiots. As an idiot who is occasionally wounded, I'm still glad you're there.
That story sounds very fun, but the spike in blood pressure at haggling
upwards to 80 years may actually kill
me sympathetically. I can see why you like it though, the way you describe it gives it a vaguely Dresden-ish ring. Snark in the face of hidebound institutions, followed shortly by intense violence and drama-perpetuating compromises made due to youthful, often moral, inflexibility. Arcane is also very good, I need to pick up season 2 soon.
Dr Who too eventually, when I'm ready to take on 800 episodes of backlog. Kidding, kidding, I know they make it accessible for new viewers about once a decade now.

Dina, those toys are suspiciously upholstery sized... You don't think the sofa is sapient pearwood, do you? Perhaps the Reyes Magos got a tip from a Wizzard. Either way, judging from the themes of their presents, I think you may be their favorite.
On my end, I continue to write and research the RPG project, and it's coming together surprisingly smoothly. I have the most basic functional skeleton of the main cast and setting at this point. It helps that Jim is a huge mythology/RPG nerd and worked so much source material into the Dresdenverse. If I get stuck on a piece of lore or how some niche thing should work, I can just do (internet) archeology about it. Mesopotamian and Egyptian mythology were some of my earliest bedtime stories, so it's been nostalgic to rediscover the old along with the new.
Otherwise life continues apace. Minor victories against the forces of bureaucracy, successfully shedding some recently gained weight, and the bills are still getting paid. It's been a nice, peaceful lull before things get interesting again.