Today is Mother's Day in my country, so I wish a wonderful Day for Regen and her mom. And also to all the forum inhabitants' mothers, and to those who are mothers themselves
Well, thank you in the name of all mothers. 🥰
We've had sunny weather too. Though the temperatures are lower. But so far it has only been freezing once. Sunrise is around 8 am and sunset around 6 pm now. So the dark periods are now as long as the light periods.
Da Vinci is a bit pissed when he has to stay inside in the evenings and punches his sisters in their faces when they are in his reach. And he does some angry meowing. But once he is fed he gets tired and Mini takes him into her room for the night. That's very cute. He gets to sleep on a cushioned chair beside her bed with her hand in his fur.
Mona seems to have checked out the auto repair shop too. She has walked through gasoline. I cleaned her paws as good as I could and she didn't lick them a lot I think. I am glad the grass is so wet these days so that she cleans her paws just by walking through the grass.
Book news: I have finished the new book by Kevin Hearne: Candle & Crow, which is the third book of a trilogy set in the Iron Druid universe, but after the last druid book and from the point of view of the Scottish sigil agent Al MacBaharrais. I liked it a lot because in a way there was a happily ever after for the druid in there which I missed at the end of Iron Druid. This is the ending I always wished for and I am glad he included this in the book.
There are other new book to read but I wanted to continue Sandman Slim now. I am at book 3. This is also a nice read and there is character development, which is important to me.